At a glance

Some demographic and headline health measures are showing improvement:

  • The number of people in Queensland who identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander who were 65 years and older increased by 145% from the 2011 to the 2021 Census of Population and Housing.
  • More 20 to 24 year old First Nations peoples in Queensland are completing Year 12 or equivalent, or a non-school Certificate level III or above qualification—increasing from 60.9% in 2011 to 75.0% in 2021
  • From 2012 to 2021, mortality declined for ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and diabetes in First Nations peoples (age-standardised rates of 133.4 to 105.5 per 100,000 and 86.4 to 71.3 per 100,000 for IHD and diabetes, respectively).

Ongoing challenges remain for First Nations peoples in Queensland:

  • Age-standardised suicide rates increased from 22.8 per 100,000 in 2012–2016 to 28.1 per 100,000 in 2017–2021
  • Age-standardised hospitalisation rates increased for lung cancer and chronic lower respiratory disease from 2012 to 2021—from 59.0 to 66.2 per 100,000 for lung cancer and 60.4 per 100,000 to 73.1 per 100,000 for chronic lower respiratory disease.
  • Health disparities between First Nations peoples and other Queenslanders are evident in both urban and remote areas for several health outcomes. The magnitude of the disparity is often greater in remote areas, however, suggesting that improving the health of First Nations peoples is essential to improving remote health more broadly.


Information in this section is derived from the 2021 Census. Census population figures differ from the estimated resident population (ERP) figures presented in the primary Demography section of this report.

Based on the 2021 Census, 237,000 people living in Queensland identified as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, representing approximately 4.6% of all people in Queensland, an increase from 3.6% in 2011.1 Of these:

  • 81.5% identified as Aboriginal
  • 9.2% as Torres Strait Islander
  • 9.3% as both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.2

Based on Census figures, the number of people that identified as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander increased from 2011 to 2021 by:

  • 37.1% for 0 to 14 year olds
  • 56.6% for 15 to 64 year olds
  • 145.1% for those 65 years and older.1

Between the 2011 and the 2021 Census, the median age of people identifying as First Nations in Queensland increased from 20 to 23 years and 52.4% were under 25 years, down from 56.5% in 2011.

The Queensland Local Government Area (LGA) with the highest count of First Nations peoples was Brisbane, home to 9.7% of the overall Queensland First Nations population.2 However the LGA with the highest proportion of First Nations peoples was Cherbourg—96.4% of the total LGA census counts.


Most First Nations households (79.7%) were family households and 14.5% were lone person households, an increase from 12.1% in 2011.2 Overcrowding in First Nations peoples’ dwellings declined from 12.6% in 2011 to 9.6% in 2021 and home ownership increased for:

  • mortgaged dwellings increased from 24.0% to 26.4%
  • the proportion of dwellings owned outright increased from 9.7% to 12.5%.1


Educational outcomes have improved for First Nations peoples in Queensland:

  • 66.6% of 20 to 24 year olds (70.0% for females and 63.2% for males) had completed Year 12 or equivalent as their highest year of school in 2021, up from 48.1% in 20112
  • when non-school Certificate level III or above qualification are included, this increases to 75.0% of 20 to 24 year old First Nations peoples in Queensland attaining year 12 or equivalent qualifications, up from 60.9% in 20113
  • 10.2% of 18 to 24 year olds (13.9% for females and 6.5% for males) were attending university or other higher education institutions at the time of the 2021 Census, up from 6.4% in 2011.2


Equivalised total weekly household income of $1,000 or more was reported by 35.7% of First Nations households in 2021 compared to 36.7% of First Nations households nationally. The median equivalised weekly income was $826 ($830 nationally).2

Headline health indicators

Life expectancy

The most recent life expectancy estimates for First Nations peoples in Queensland are for 2015–2017. At that time, the life expectancy at birth in Queensland for First Nations peoples was 72.0 years for males and 76.4 years for females.4 By comparison, life expectancy for other Queenslanders was 79.8 years and 83.2 years for males and females, respectively.4 Across Australia, life expectancy was lower for First Nations peoples living in remote and very remote areas.4


In Queensland:

  • The age-standardised mortality rate (ASR, or standardised rate) for First Nations peoples in 2021 in Queensland was 9.6 per 1,000 persons compared to 5.2 per 1,000 persons for other Queenslanders. Standardised rates were higher for males (10.8 per 1,000 persons) than for females (8.5 per 1,000 persons)
  • Infant mortality rates were higher for First Nations peoples—5.7 compared to 3.7 per 1,000 live births for First Nations Queenslanders compared to other Queenslanders in 2021.
  • The perinatal mortality rate in Queensland for the period 2017–2021 was 11.1 per 1,000 births (live and stillbirth) for mothers who identified as First Nations peoples, compared to 9.3 per 1,000 for births for mothers who did not identify as First Nations peoples.5

Leading causes of death

The leading cause of death for First Nations infants under 1 year of age was conditions arising in the perinatal period (3.5 per 1,000 live births) and the mortality rate for congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities was 0.9 per 1,000 live births.5

Table 1 shows the 10 leading causes of death for First Nations peoples in Queensland in 2021, with the corresponding ranking for other Queenslanders for the same cause.

  • While ischaemic heart disease (IHD) is the leading cause of death for both First Nations peoples and other Queenslanders, diabetes is the 2nd leading cause for First Nations peoples in Queensland, while it is the 8th for other Queenslanders.5 Overall, for First Nations peoples in New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory, the standardised death rate declined for:
    • IHD from 133.4 per 100,000 in 2012 to 105.5 per 100,000 in 2021
    • diabetes, from 86.4 to 71.3 per 100,000 for 2012 and 2021, respectively.
  • The 3rd (lung cancer) and 4th (chronic lower respiratory diseases) leading causes of death were conditions that are associated with smoking. The standardised death rate for First Nations peoples in New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory increased for:
    • lung cancer from 59.0 per 100,000 in 2012 in 2012 to 66.2 per 100,000 in 2021
    • chronic lower respiratory disease from 60.4 per 100,000 in 2012 to 73.1 per 100,000 in 2021.5
  • The leading causes of death for First Nations peoples have remained the same for the periods 2012–2016 and 2017–2021.5

Intentional self-harm is the 5th leading cause of death for First Nations peoples (2nd for males and 7th for females), while it is 10th for other Queenslanders. In the period 2017–2021:

  • there were 318 deaths due to suicide in First Nations peoples in Queensland
  • the standardised suicide rate was 28.1 per 100,000 persons—an increase from 22.8 per 100,000 persons in the period 2012–2016
  • Rates were highest in males in all age groups.5
Table 1: Leading cause of death by First Nations status, 2021Ordered by leading cause of death rank for First Nations peoples
CauseRanking (First Nations)Ranking (Other Queenslanders)
Ischaemic heart diseases (I20-I25)11
Diabetes (E10-E14)28
Malignant neoplasm of trachea, bronchus and lung (C33, C34)34
Chronic lower respiratory diseases (J40-J47)45
Intentional self-harm (X60-X84, Y87.0)510
Cerebrovascular diseases (I60-I69)63
Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease (F01, F03, G30)72
Symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions (R00-R99)821
Malignant neoplasm of colon, sigmoid, rectum and anus (C18-C21, C26.0)96
Cirrhosis and other diseases of liver (K70-K76)1017


The Mortality section of this report shows that people living in remote areas have higher mortality rates than those living in other areas. Health disparities between First Nations peoples and other Queenslanders are evident in both urban and remote area for several health outcomes. The magnitude of the disparity, however, is often greater in remote areas (Figure 1). This suggests that improving the health of First Nations peoples in remote areas is important for both the health of First Nations peoples as well as to improving remote health more broadly.

Figure 1: Selected mortality measures by First Nations status and remoteness, Australia

Figure 1a: Selected mortality measures by First Nations status and remoteness, Australia (death rates)
Bar graph showing standardised mortality rates by remoteness areas for First Nations peoples and other Australians for 2021, showing higher rates for First Nations peoples overall, but in particular, those people living in remote and very remote areas
Figure 1b: Selected mortality measures by First Nations status and remoteness, Australia (median age at death)
Bar graph showing median age at death by remoteness areas for First Nations peoples and other Australians for 2021, showing lower median age at death for First Nations peoples overall, but in particular, those people living in remote and very remote areas
Figure 1c: Selected mortality measures by First Nations status and remoteness, Australia (infant mortality rates)
Bar graph showing infant mortality rates by remoteness areas for First Nations peoples and other Australians for 2021, showing higher rates for First Nations peoples overall, but in particular, those people living in remote and very remote areas
Figure 1d: Selected mortality measures by First Nations status and remoteness, Australia (table) Ordered by year, measure, First Nations status, remoteness category
YearMeasure First Nations status Remoteness categoryResult
2021 Standardised death rate First Nations Peoples Major cities 8.8
2021 Standardised death rate First Nations Peoples Inner and outer regional 9.3
2021 Standardised death rate First Nations Peoples Remote and very remote 14.6
2021 Standardised death rate First Nations Peoples Australia 9.9
2021 Standardised death rate Other Australians Major cities 4.9
2021 Standardised death rate Other Australians Inner and outer regional 5.4
2021 Standardised death rate Other Australians Remote and very remote 5.0
2021 Standardised death rate Other Australians Australia 5.0
2021 Median age at death First Nations Peoples Major cities 62.6
2021 Median age at death First Nations Peoples Inner and outer regional 62.9
2021 Median age at death First Nations Peoples Remote and very remote 59.1
2021 Median age at death First Nations Peoples Australia 61.9
2021 Median age at death Other Australians Major cities 82.5
2021 Median age at death Other Australians Inner and outer regional 81.1
2021 Median age at death Other Australians Remote and very remote 77.5
2021 Median age at death Other Australians Australia 82.0
2021 Infant mortality rate First Nations Peoples Major cities 4.2
2021 Infant mortality rate First Nations Peoples Inner and outer regional 4.7
2021 Infant mortality rate First Nations Peoples Remote and very remote 7.9
2021 Infant mortality rate First Nations Peoples Australia 5.0
2021 Infant mortality rate Other Australians Major cities 3.0
2021 Infant mortality rate Other Australians Inner and outer regional 3.5
2021 Infant mortality rate Other Australians Remote and very remote 2.7
2021 Infant mortality rate Other Australians Australia 3.1


In 2020–21, the standardised all cause hospitalisation rate for First Nations Queenslanders was 1,023.6 per 1,000, compared to 488.7 per 1,000 for other Queenslanders (Figure 2).

The gap in hospitalisation rates between First Nations Queenslanders and other Queenslanders is widening—while the rate ratio was 1.8 times higher in 2006-07, it was 2.1 times higher for First Nations peoples than other Queenslanders in 2020–21.

For the 3-year period 2018–19 to 2020–21, hospitalisation rates were higher for females (1,061.2 per 1,000) than for males (909.9 per 1,000). Based on ICD-10-AM chapter, the differences between First Nations peoples and other Queenslanders were most evident for Factors influencing health status and contact with health services, driven primarily by higher hospitalisation rates for renal dialysis among First Nations peoples.

Figure 2: Hospital admission rates by ICD chapter, First Nations and remoteness areas

Figure 2a: Hospital admission rates by ICD chapter, First Nations and remoteness areas (persons)
Bar graph showing standardised hospitalisation rates for all cause and by ICD-10-AM chapter for First Nations people and other Queenslanders for persons, showing higher rates for First Nations peoples for most conditions, in particular all cause and Factors influencing health status
Figure 2b: Hospital admission rates by ICD chapter, First Nations and remoteness areas (males)
Bar graph showing standardised hospitalisation rates for all cause and by ICD-10-AM chapter for First Nations people and other Queenslanders for males, showing higher rates for First Nations peoples for most conditions, in particular all cause and Factors influencing health status
Figure 2c: Hospital admission rates by ICD chapter, First Nations and remoteness areas (females)
Bar graph showing standardised hospitalisation rates for all cause and by ICD-10-AM chapter for First Nations people and other Queenslanders for females, showing higher rates for First Nations peoples for most conditions, in particular all cause and Factors influencing health status
Figure 2d: Hospital admission rates by ICD chapter, First Nations and remoteness areas (table) Ordered by year, ICD-10-AM chapter and First Nations status
YearCondition First Nations statusSex ASR per 1,000
2018-19-2020-21 A00 - Z99 All cause First Nations Males 909.9
2018-19-2020-21 A00 - Z99 All cause Other Queenslanders Males 450.8
2018-19-2020-21 A00 - Z99 All cause First Nations Females 1,061.2
2018-19-2020-21 A00 - Z99 All cause Other Queenslanders Females 500.9
2018-19-2020-21 A00 - Z99 All cause First Nations Persons 986.8
2018-19-2020-21 A00 - Z99 All cause Other Queenslanders Persons 475.4
2018-19-2020-21 A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases First Nations Males 14.6
2018-19-2020-21 A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Other Queenslanders Males 7.7
2018-19-2020-21 A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases First Nations Females 15.2
2018-19-2020-21 A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Other Queenslanders Females 8.3
2018-19-2020-21 A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases First Nations Persons 14.9
2018-19-2020-21 A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Other Queenslanders Persons 8.0
2018-19-2020-21 C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms First Nations Males 16.7
2018-19-2020-21 C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Other Queenslanders Males 20.6
2018-19-2020-21 C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms First Nations Females 12.3
2018-19-2020-21 C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Other Queenslanders Females 14.2
2018-19-2020-21 C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms First Nations Persons 14.3
2018-19-2020-21 C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Other Queenslanders Persons 17.2
2018-19-2020-21 D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms First Nations Males 6.9
2018-19-2020-21 D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Other Queenslanders Males 12.4
2018-19-2020-21 D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms First Nations Females 9.3
2018-19-2020-21 D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Other Queenslanders Females 12.8
2018-19-2020-21 D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms First Nations Persons 8.1
2018-19-2020-21 D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Other Queenslanders Persons 12.6
2018-19-2020-21 D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc First Nations Males 7.7
2018-19-2020-21 D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Other Queenslanders Males 8.8
2018-19-2020-21 D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc First Nations Females 11.0
2018-19-2020-21 D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Other Queenslanders Females 10.1
2018-19-2020-21 D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc First Nations Persons 9.4
2018-19-2020-21 D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Other Queenslanders Persons 9.5
2018-19-2020-21 E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes First Nations Males 17.3
2018-19-2020-21 E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Other Queenslanders Males 7.2
2018-19-2020-21 E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes First Nations Females 21.0
2018-19-2020-21 E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Other Queenslanders Females 10.6
2018-19-2020-21 E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes First Nations Persons 19.2
2018-19-2020-21 E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Other Queenslanders Persons 8.9
2018-19-2020-21 F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders First Nations Males 43.0
2018-19-2020-21 F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Other Queenslanders Males 21.2
2018-19-2020-21 F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders First Nations Females 33.8
2018-19-2020-21 F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Other Queenslanders Females 30.4
2018-19-2020-21 F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders First Nations Persons 38.1
2018-19-2020-21 F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Other Queenslanders Persons 25.9
2018-19-2020-21 G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders First Nations Males 18.0
2018-19-2020-21 G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Other Queenslanders Males 14.6
2018-19-2020-21 G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders First Nations Females 16.0
2018-19-2020-21 G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Other Queenslanders Females 15.0
2018-19-2020-21 G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders First Nations Persons 16.8
2018-19-2020-21 G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Other Queenslanders Persons 14.8
2018-19-2020-21 H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa First Nations Males 13.8
2018-19-2020-21 H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Other Queenslanders Males 16.5
2018-19-2020-21 H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa First Nations Females 13.4
2018-19-2020-21 H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Other Queenslanders Females 17.2
2018-19-2020-21 H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa First Nations Persons 13.6
2018-19-2020-21 H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Other Queenslanders Persons 16.9
2018-19-2020-21 H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process First Nations Males 4.2
2018-19-2020-21 H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Other Queenslanders Males 3.5
2018-19-2020-21 H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process First Nations Females 4.6
2018-19-2020-21 H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Other Queenslanders Females 3.5
2018-19-2020-21 H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process First Nations Persons 4.4
2018-19-2020-21 H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Other Queenslanders Persons 3.5
2018-19-2020-21 I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system First Nations Males 39.3
2018-19-2020-21 I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Other Queenslanders Males 26.5
2018-19-2020-21 I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system First Nations Females 32.3
2018-19-2020-21 I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Other Queenslanders Females 17.6
2018-19-2020-21 I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system First Nations Persons 35.6
2018-19-2020-21 I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Other Queenslanders Persons 21.9
2018-19-2020-21 J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system First Nations Males 40.2
2018-19-2020-21 J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Other Queenslanders Males 20.7
2018-19-2020-21 J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system First Nations Females 42.0
2018-19-2020-21 J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Other Queenslanders Females 19.0
2018-19-2020-21 J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system First Nations Persons 41.2
2018-19-2020-21 J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Other Queenslanders Persons 19.9
2018-19-2020-21 K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system First Nations Males 49.7
2018-19-2020-21 K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Other Queenslanders Males 45.4
2018-19-2020-21 K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system First Nations Females 53.3
2018-19-2020-21 K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Other Queenslanders Females 45.5
2018-19-2020-21 K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system First Nations Persons 51.4
2018-19-2020-21 K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Other Queenslanders Persons 45.4
2018-19-2020-21 L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue First Nations Males 18.0
2018-19-2020-21 L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Other Queenslanders Males 8.6
2018-19-2020-21 L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue First Nations Females 17.6
2018-19-2020-21 L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Other Queenslanders Females 7.2
2018-19-2020-21 L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue First Nations Persons 17.8
2018-19-2020-21 L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Other Queenslanders Persons 7.9
2018-19-2020-21 M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue First Nations Males 27.8
2018-19-2020-21 M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Other Queenslanders Males 28.4
2018-19-2020-21 M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue First Nations Females 26.6
2018-19-2020-21 M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Other Queenslanders Females 27.8
2018-19-2020-21 M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue First Nations Persons 27.2
2018-19-2020-21 M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Other Queenslanders Persons 28.1
2018-19-2020-21 N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system First Nations Males 18.1
2018-19-2020-21 N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Other Queenslanders Males 15.8
2018-19-2020-21 N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system First Nations Females 40.4
2018-19-2020-21 N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Other Queenslanders Females 28.6
2018-19-2020-21 N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system First Nations Persons 29.5
2018-19-2020-21 N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Other Queenslanders Persons 22.3
2018-19-2020-21 O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium First Nations Males NA
2018-19-2020-21 O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Other Queenslanders Males NA
2018-19-2020-21 O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium First Nations Females 92.1
2018-19-2020-21 O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Other Queenslanders Females 57.1
2018-19-2020-21 O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium First Nations Persons 45.8
2018-19-2020-21 O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Other Queenslanders Persons 28.9
2018-19-2020-21 P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period First Nations Males 4.5
2018-19-2020-21 P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Other Queenslanders Males 3.3
2018-19-2020-21 P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period First Nations Females 3.7
2018-19-2020-21 P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Other Queenslanders Females 2.7
2018-19-2020-21 P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period First Nations Persons 4.1
2018-19-2020-21 P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Other Queenslanders Persons 3.0
2018-19-2020-21 Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies First Nations Males 1.8
2018-19-2020-21 Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Other Queenslanders Males 1.8
2018-19-2020-21 Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies First Nations Females 1.5
2018-19-2020-21 Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Other Queenslanders Females 1.5
2018-19-2020-21 Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies First Nations Persons 1.7
2018-19-2020-21 Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Other Queenslanders Persons 1.7
2018-19-2020-21 R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings First Nations Males 63.7
2018-19-2020-21 R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Other Queenslanders Males 38.2
2018-19-2020-21 R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings First Nations Females 74.5
2018-19-2020-21 R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Other Queenslanders Females 45.5
2018-19-2020-21 R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings First Nations Persons 69.1
2018-19-2020-21 R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Other Queenslanders Persons 41.8
2018-19-2020-21 S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes First Nations Males 62.9
2018-19-2020-21 S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Other Queenslanders Males 37.3
2018-19-2020-21 S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes First Nations Females 51.2
2018-19-2020-21 S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Other Queenslanders Females 31.1
2018-19-2020-21 S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes First Nations Persons 56.9
2018-19-2020-21 S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Other Queenslanders Persons 34.2
2018-19-2020-21 Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services First Nations Males 441.8
2018-19-2020-21 Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Other Queenslanders Males 112.1
2018-19-2020-21 Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services First Nations Females 489.3
2018-19-2020-21 Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Other Queenslanders Females 95.1
2018-19-2020-21 Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services First Nations Persons 467.8
2018-19-2020-21 Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Other Queenslanders Persons 103.1


Disparities in hospitalisation rates are wider in regional and remote areas than in urban areas and rates for First Nations Queenslanders are higher than for other Queenslanders (Figure 3).

  • Compared to other Queenslanders living in the same areas, standardised hospitalisation rates for First Nations peoples were 3.2 times higher in outer regional areas and 2.7 times higher in remote and very remote areas.
  • Compared to First Nations peoples in major cities, standardised hospitalisation rates were 1.6 times higher for First Nations peoples in remote or very remote areas.
  • For other Queenslanders, standardised hospitalisation rates in remote and very remote areas were lower than those in major cities (433.7 and 486.6 per 1,000 persons respectively).

Figure 3: Hospital admission rates by ICD chapter, First Nations and remoteness areas

Figure 3a: Hospital admission rates by ICD chapter, First Nations and remoteness areas (all cause)
Bar graph showing standardised hospitalisation rates for all cause by remoteness areas for First Nations peoples and other Queenslanders. Relatively similar rates for Other Queenslanders living in remoteness areas were observed, while there are variations for First Nations peoples.
Figure 3b: Hospital admission rates by ICD chapter, First Nations and remoteness areas (major cities)
Bar graph showing standardised hospitalisation rates by ICD-10-AM chapters for First Nations people and other Queenslanders living in major cities areas, with First Nations people showing higher rates for most conditions
Figure 3c: Hospital admission rates by ICD chapter, First Nations and remoteness areas (inner regional)
Bar graph showing standardised hospitalisation rates by ICD-10-AM chapters for First Nations people and other Queenslanders living in inner regional areas, with First Nations peoples showing higher rates for most conditionss
Figure 3d: Hospital admission rates by ICD chapter, First Nations and remoteness areas (outer regional)
Bar graph showing standardised hospitalisation rates by ICD-10-AM chapters for First Nations people and other Queenslanders living in outer regional areas, with First Nations peoples showing higher rates for most conditions
Figure 3e: Hospital admission rates by ICD chapter, First Nations and remoteness areas (remote and very remote)
Bar graph showing standardised hospitalisation rates by ICD-10-AM chapters for First Nations people and other Queenslanders living in remote and very remote areas, with First Nations peoples showing higher rates for most conditions
Figure 3f: Hospital admission rates by ICD chapter, First Nations and remoteness areas (table) Ordered by year, sex, condition, First Nations status, remoteness category
YearSexCondition Remoteness category First Nations status ASR per 1,000
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - Z99 All cause Queensland First Nations 986.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - Z99 All cause Queensland Other Queenslanders 475.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - Z99 All cause Major cities First Nations 709.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - Z99 All cause Major cities Other Queenslanders 486.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - Z99 All cause Inner regional First Nations 731.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - Z99 All cause Inner regional Other Queenslanders 470.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - Z99 All cause Outer regional First Nations 1,422.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - Z99 All cause Outer regional Other Queenslanders 443.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - Z99 All cause Remote and very remote First Nations 1,154.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - Z99 All cause Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 433.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Queensland First Nations 14.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Queensland Other Queenslanders 8.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Major cities First Nations 11.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Major cities Other Queenslanders 7.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Inner regional First Nations 12.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Inner regional Other Queenslanders 8.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Outer regional First Nations 18.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Outer regional Other Queenslanders 7.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Remote and very remote First Nations 18.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons A00 - B99 Infectious and parasitic diseases Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 10.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Queensland First Nations 14.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Queensland Other Queenslanders 17.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Major cities First Nations 14.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Major cities Other Queenslanders 17.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Inner regional First Nations 15.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Inner regional Other Queenslanders 16.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Outer regional First Nations 14.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Outer regional Other Queenslanders 16.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Remote and very remote First Nations 11.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons C00 - C97 Malignant neoplasms Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 15.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Queensland First Nations 8.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Queensland Other Queenslanders 12.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Major cities First Nations 8.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Major cities Other Queenslanders 13.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Inner regional First Nations 11.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Inner regional Other Queenslanders 12.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Outer regional First Nations 6.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Outer regional Other Queenslanders 11.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Remote and very remote First Nations 5.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D00 - D48 Benign and other neoplasms Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 8.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Queensland First Nations 9.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Queensland Other Queenslanders 9.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Major cities First Nations 9.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Major cities Other Queenslanders 10.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Inner regional First Nations 10.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Inner regional Other Queenslanders 9.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Outer regional First Nations 9.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Outer regional Other Queenslanders 7.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Remote and very remote First Nations 9.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons D50 - D89 Diseases of blood and blood forming organs etc Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 9.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Queensland First Nations 19.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Queensland Other Queenslanders 8.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Major cities First Nations 15.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Major cities Other Queenslanders 8.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Inner regional First Nations 16.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Inner regional Other Queenslanders 9.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Outer regional First Nations 23.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Outer regional Other Queenslanders 8.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Remote and very remote First Nations 24.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons E00 - E89/E90 Endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders including diabetes Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 10.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Queensland First Nations 38.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Queensland Other Queenslanders 25.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Major cities First Nations 48.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Major cities Other Queenslanders 31.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Inner regional First Nations 28.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Inner regional Other Queenslanders 15.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Outer regional First Nations 37.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Outer regional Other Queenslanders 16.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Remote and very remote First Nations 29.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons F00 - F99 Mental and behavioural disorders Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 10.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Queensland First Nations 16.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Queensland Other Queenslanders 14.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Major cities First Nations 18.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Major cities Other Queenslanders 15.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Inner regional First Nations 20.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Inner regional Other Queenslanders 14.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Outer regional First Nations 14.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Outer regional Other Queenslanders 12.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Remote and very remote First Nations 12.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons G00 - G99 Nervous system and sense organ disorders Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 10.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Queensland First Nations 13.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Queensland Other Queenslanders 16.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Major cities First Nations 14.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Major cities Other Queenslanders 18.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Inner regional First Nations 14.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Inner regional Other Queenslanders 15.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Outer regional First Nations 12.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Outer regional Other Queenslanders 14.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Remote and very remote First Nations 13.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H00 - H59 Diseases of eye and adnexa Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 13.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Queensland First Nations 4.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Queensland Other Queenslanders 3.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Major cities First Nations 5.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Major cities Other Queenslanders 3.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Inner regional First Nations 3.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Inner regional Other Queenslanders 3.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Outer regional First Nations 3.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Outer regional Other Queenslanders 2.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Remote and very remote First Nations 4.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons H60 - H95 Diseases of ear and mastoid process Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 3.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Queensland First Nations 35.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Queensland Other Queenslanders 21.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Major cities First Nations 29.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Major cities Other Queenslanders 21.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Inner regional First Nations 33.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Inner regional Other Queenslanders 23.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Outer regional First Nations 39.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Outer regional Other Queenslanders 20.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Remote and very remote First Nations 45.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons I00 - I99 Diseases of circulatory system Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 23.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Queensland First Nations 41.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Queensland Other Queenslanders 19.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Major cities First Nations 34.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Major cities Other Queenslanders 19.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Inner regional First Nations 34.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Inner regional Other Queenslanders 20.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Outer regional First Nations 47.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Outer regional Other Queenslanders 18.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Remote and very remote First Nations 54.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons J00 - J99 Diseases of respiratory system Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 22.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Queensland First Nations 51.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Queensland Other Queenslanders 45.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Major cities First Nations 46.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Major cities Other Queenslanders 44.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Inner regional First Nations 53.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Inner regional Other Queenslanders 49.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Outer regional First Nations 57.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Outer regional Other Queenslanders 43.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Remote and very remote First Nations 50.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons K00 - K93 Diseases of the digestive system Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 46.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Queensland First Nations 17.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Queensland Other Queenslanders 7.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Major cities First Nations 14.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Major cities Other Queenslanders 7.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Inner regional First Nations 14.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Inner regional Other Queenslanders 8.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Outer regional First Nations 20.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Outer regional Other Queenslanders 9.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Remote and very remote First Nations 25.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons L00 - L99 Diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 11.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Queensland First Nations 27.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Queensland Other Queenslanders 28.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Major cities First Nations 31.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Major cities Other Queenslanders 28.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Inner regional First Nations 27.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Inner regional Other Queenslanders 27.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Outer regional First Nations 24.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Outer regional Other Queenslanders 29.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Remote and very remote First Nations 21.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons M00 - M99 Diseases of musculoskeletal system and connective tissue Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 23.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Queensland First Nations 29.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Queensland Other Queenslanders 22.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Major cities First Nations 28.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Major cities Other Queenslanders 22.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Inner regional First Nations 29.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Inner regional Other Queenslanders 22.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Outer regional First Nations 30.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Outer regional Other Queenslanders 21.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Remote and very remote First Nations 31.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons N00 - N99 Diseases of the genitourinary system Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 20.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Queensland First Nations 45.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Queensland Other Queenslanders 28.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Major cities First Nations 43.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Major cities Other Queenslanders 28.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Inner regional First Nations 45.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Inner regional Other Queenslanders 31.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Outer regional First Nations 52.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Outer regional Other Queenslanders 30.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Remote and very remote First Nations 39.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons O00 - O99 Pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 28.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Queensland First Nations 4.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Queensland Other Queenslanders 3.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Major cities First Nations 3.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Major cities Other Queenslanders 3.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Inner regional First Nations 4.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Inner regional Other Queenslanders 3.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Outer regional First Nations 4.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Outer regional Other Queenslanders 2.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Remote and very remote First Nations 3.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons P00 - P96 Conditions originating in perinatal period Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 2.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Queensland First Nations 1.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Queensland Other Queenslanders 1.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Major cities First Nations 2.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Major cities Other Queenslanders 1.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Inner regional First Nations 1.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Inner regional Other Queenslanders 1.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Outer regional First Nations 1.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Outer regional Other Queenslanders 1.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Remote and very remote First Nations 1.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Q00 - Q99 Congenital anomalies Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 1.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Queensland First Nations 69.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Queensland Other Queenslanders 41.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Major cities First Nations 73.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Major cities Other Queenslanders 43.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Inner regional First Nations 69.6
2018-19-2020-21 Persons R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Inner regional Other Queenslanders 41.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Outer regional First Nations 70.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Outer regional Other Queenslanders 35.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Remote and very remote First Nations 55.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons R00 - R99 Symptoms, signs and abnormal findings Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 37.7
2018-19-2020-21 Persons S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Queensland First Nations 56.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Queensland Other Queenslanders 34.2
2018-19-2020-21 Persons S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Major cities First Nations 52.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Major cities Other Queenslanders 33.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Inner regional First Nations 50.9
2018-19-2020-21 Persons S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Inner regional Other Queenslanders 36.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Outer regional First Nations 61.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Outer regional Other Queenslanders 36.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Remote and very remote First Nations 67.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons S00 - T98 Injury poisoning and other external causes Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 51.5
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Queensland First Nations 467.8
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Queensland Other Queenslanders 103.1
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Major cities First Nations 204.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Major cities Other Queenslanders 106.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Inner regional First Nations 234.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Inner regional Other Queenslanders 100.4
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Outer regional First Nations 871.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Outer regional Other Queenslanders 97.0
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Remote and very remote First Nations 631.3
2018-19-2020-21 Persons Z00 - Z99 Factors influencing health status and contact with health services Remote and very remote Other Queenslanders 71.5

Potentially preventable hospitalisations

Potentially preventable hospitalisations are an indicator of unmet need for primary health care. Timely, effective prevention, diagnosis and treatment reduces the risk of the onset of disease or progression to more severe disease requiring hospitalisation.6

Reducing the number of selected potentially preventable hospitalisations (PPHs) for First Nations peoples is a national health system performance measure6 and is part of the Queensland Department of Health’s Strategic Plan 2021–2025.7 In 2020–21, the standardised PPH rate for First Nations peoples was 73.1 per 1,000 persons, while it was 28.0 per 1,000 persons for other Queenslanders. The higher rates were observed for all PPHs categories (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Age standardised rates for selected potentially preventable hospitalisations by First Nations status

Figure 4a: Age standardised rates for selected potentially preventable hospitalisations by First Nations status (figure)
Bar graph showing the standardised rates for selected potentially preventable hospitalisations by broad category by First Nations Status, showing higher rates for First Nations peoples across all categories
Figure 4b: Age standardised rates for selected potentially preventable hospitalisations by First Nations status (table) Ordered by year, sex, condition, First Nations status
YearSex First Nations statusCondition ASR per 1,000
2020-21 Persons First Nations Total potentially preventable hospitalisations 73.1
2020-21 Persons First Nations Total acute 34.7
2020-21 Persons First Nations Total chronic 34.9
2020-21 Persons First Nations Total vaccine preventable 4.6
2020-21 Persons Other Queenslanders Total potentially preventable hospitalisations 28.0
2020-21 Persons Other Queenslanders Total acute 15.5
2020-21 Persons Other Queenslanders Total chronic 11.9
2020-21 Persons Other Queenslanders Total vaccine preventable 0.7

The top five PPHs for First Nations peoples in Queensland overall for 2020–21 were:

  • cellulitis (4.4%)
  • diabetes complications (3.7%)
  • urinary tract infections including pyelonephritis (3.6%)
  • dental conditions (3.3%)
  • and convulsions and epilepsy (3.1%).

PPH conditions varied by remoteness. While the rate ratio between those living in major cities to those living in remote and very remote for other Queenslanders was 1.4 (36.6 and 26.9 per 1,000 people for remote/very remote and major cities, respectively), it was 1.9 for First Nations people (107.9 and 55.4 per 1,000 people for remote/very remote and major cities, respectively) (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Age standardised rates for selected potentially preventable hospitalisations by First Nations and remoteness areas

Figure 5a: Age standardised rates for selected potentially preventable hospitalisations by First Nations and remoteness areas (figure)
Bar graph showing the standardised rates for selected potentially preventable hospitalisations by First Nations Status by remoteness areas, showing higher rates for First Nations peoples across all remoteness areas
Figure 5b: Age standardised rates for selected potentially preventable hospitalisations by First Nations and remoteness areas (table) Ordered by year, sex, condition, First Nations status and remoteness category
YearSexCondition First Nations status Remoteness category ASR per 1,000
2020-21 Persons Total potentially preventable hospitalisations First Nations Major cities 55.4
2020-21 Persons Total potentially preventable hospitalisations First Nations Inner regional 60.6
2020-21 Persons Total potentially preventable hospitalisations First Nations Outer regional 86.2
2020-21 Persons Total potentially preventable hospitalisations First Nations Remote and very remote 107.9
2020-21 Persons Total potentially preventable hospitalisations Other Queenslanders Major cities 26.9
2020-21 Persons Total potentially preventable hospitalisations Other Queenslanders Inner regional 31.3
2020-21 Persons Total potentially preventable hospitalisations Other Queenslanders Outer regional 28.3
2020-21 Persons Total potentially preventable hospitalisations Other Queenslanders Remote and very remote 36.6
2020-21 Persons Total acute First Nations Major cities 27.6
2020-21 Persons Total acute First Nations Inner regional 28.1
2020-21 Persons Total acute First Nations Outer regional 41.6
2020-21 Persons Total acute First Nations Remote and very remote 48.3
2020-21 Persons Total acute Other Queenslanders Major cities 14.6
2020-21 Persons Total acute Other Queenslanders Inner regional 17.6
2020-21 Persons Total acute Other Queenslanders Outer regional 16.5
2020-21 Persons Total acute Other Queenslanders Remote and very remote 20.1
2020-21 Persons Total chronic First Nations Major cities 26.0
2020-21 Persons Total chronic First Nations Inner regional 30.4
2020-21 Persons Total chronic First Nations Outer regional 40.3
2020-21 Persons Total chronic First Nations Remote and very remote 51.3
2020-21 Persons Total chronic Other Queenslanders Major cities 11.4
2020-21 Persons Total chronic Other Queenslanders Inner regional 13.3
2020-21 Persons Total chronic Other Queenslanders Outer regional 11.4
2020-21 Persons Total chronic Other Queenslanders Remote and very remote 15.9
2020-21 Persons Total vaccine preventable First Nations Major cities 2.4
2020-21 Persons Total vaccine preventable First Nations Inner regional 2.7
2020-21 Persons Total vaccine preventable First Nations Outer regional 5.9
2020-21 Persons Total vaccine preventable First Nations Remote and very remote 10.1
2020-21 Persons Total vaccine preventable Other Queenslanders Major cities 0.9
2020-21 Persons Total vaccine preventable Other Queenslanders Inner regional 0.5
2020-21 Persons Total vaccine preventable Other Queenslanders Outer regional 0.5
2020-21 Persons Total vaccine preventable Other Queenslanders Remote and very remote 0.6

Additional information

Data and statistics

Visit the following websites for more information:

Strategies and information

Visit Making Tracks Together: Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Framework for information about Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Framework.

Section technical notes

Death data for recent periods are preliminary and subject to change. Refer to Causes of Death, Australia on the Australian Bureau of Statistics website for further information.

The mortality data presented in this section is based on the year of registration, as reported by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Thus, any late registrations that have occurred during the reference year may not have been included. The differences in the proportion of death that are registered late between the First Nations persons and others may have impact on the measure of differences between the population groups.

For more information, refer to the Deaths of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people section within the Causes of Death publication and Technical Note of the Deaths, Australia 2010 publication.

The ICD coding system is maintained by the World Health Organization and provides internationally comparable mortality and morbidity statistics over time and between regions. In Australia, the ICD-10 were adapted for the Australian context from the WHO ICD system. The ICD-10-AM is now maintained by the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA).

Multiple factors may cause a person’s hospital admission. The principal diagnosis is the one deemed chiefly responsible for the admission.

Hospitalisation data reported in this section were sourced from the Queensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (QHAPDC). Individual record in the QHAPDC are episode based, meaning that multiple episodes from a same person will be counted multiple times in a reporting period.

Separations from interstate residents, public psychiatric hospitals, and those flagged as unqualified newborns, organ donors or boarders are excluded. Records from 47 previously declared hospitals are excluded.

Unless otherwise stated, age-standardised rates were calculated by standardising to 2001 Australian standard population for 0-65+ age groups.

Separations for interstate residents, public psychiatric hospitals, and those flagged as unqualified newborns, organ donors or boarders are excluded. Records from 47 previously declared hospitals are excluded.

For definition on selected potentially preventable hospitalisations, refer to coding standards in METEOR on the Australian Institute of Health website.


  1. Queensland Government Statisticians Office. 2022. Queensland’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, Census 2021 snapshot. Brisbane: Queensland Treasury.
  2. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2022. Queensland: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population summary. Accessed: 7 March 2023.
  3. Productivity Commission. 2023. Closing the gap dashboard. Accessed: 1 March 2023.
  4. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2018. Life tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2015-2017. Canberra: ABS.
  5. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 2022. Causes of death, Australia. Accessed: 8 March 2023.
  6. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2023. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health performance framework. Canberra: AIHW.
  7. Queensland Health. 2022. Department of Health strategic plan 2021-2025. Brisbane: Queensland Government.