At a glance

  • Musculoskeletal conditions were the largest cause of total health expenditure–however based on cost per treated case, cancers were the most costly to treat.
  • Modifiable risk factors accounted for 39.1% of health expenditure (recurrent allocated spending).
  • Overweight and obesity, and tobacco were leading causes accounting for 18.1% and 13.9% of the 23.590 billion of health system funding attributable to risk factors.


This section summarises national estimates of health system expenditure by 2018 Australian Burden of Disease (ABDS) groups and specific conditions.1 Because estimates were based on health system expenditure, tangible costs incurred outside the health system, such as residential aged care facilities, workplaces, and judicial systems, are not included. Intangible costs such as lost productivity or reduced quality of life are also not included in these figures. Results from specific studies that more fully account for individual and societal costs, when available, are included in other sections of this report.

Disease group expenditure

In 2019–20, 73.4% of recurrent spending, an estimated $140.425 billion could be attributed to specific diseases and injuries nationally.2

  • 62.6% was for hospital services
  • 28.3% for primary health care
  • 9.1% for referred medical services.

Of the 2018 ABDS disease groups, musculoskeletal disorders had the highest estimated spending in 2019–20 ($14.624 billion, or 10.4% of total allocated spending) followed by cardiovascular diseases (9.1%) and cancer (8.6%) of total (Figure 1).

Considering specific diseases, the two largest were falls ($4.681 billion) and dental caries ($4.479 billion). Spending for conditions that could not be classified, specifically costs for symptoms ($6.967 billion), other cardiovascular disease ($6.493 billion), and other musculoskeletal conditions ($5.819 billion) exceeded these amounts but could not be included in these figures.2

Figure 1: Australian allocated recurrent spending by disease group, 2019–20

Ordered by highest cost.

Figure 1a: Australian allocated recurrent spending by disease group, 2019–20 (graph)
Australian allocated recurrent spending by disease group, 2019--20, showing musculoskeletal disorders as the highest
Figure 1b: Australian allocated recurrent spending by disease group, 2019–20 (table)
Disease group $ million%
Musculoskeletal disorders 14,624 10.4
Cardiovascular diseases 12,714 9.1
Cancer and other neoplasms 12,076 8.6
Mental and substance use disorders 10,850 7.7
Injury 10,721 7.6
Reproductive and maternal conditions 8,989 6.4
Gastrointestinal disorders 8,477 6.0
Infectious diseases 8,293 5.9
Oral disorders 7,786 5.5
Symptoms NEC 6,967 5.0
Blood and metabolic disorders 6,600 4.7
Skin disorders 4,796 3.4
Respiratory diseases 4,675 3.3
Neurological conditions 4,506 3.2
Hearing and vision disorders 4,273 3.0
Kidney and urinary diseases 4,151 3.0
Endocrine disorders 3,961 2.8
Infant and congenital conditions 2,041 1.5
Examination and observation NEC 1,843 1.3
Interventions NEC 1,423 1.0
Physical, behavioural social problems NEC 659 0.5
Total 140,425 100.0

Health system spending per treated case

Within disease groups, expenditure per case varied, often greatly, by condition (Table 1). For example, the range in average cost per case in the cancer and other neoplasms disease group ranged from $235,061 for chronic myeloid leukemia to $2,042 for non-melanoma skin cancer.2

Among specific conditions, the three most costly to treat per case were all in the cancer and other neoplasms disease group, specifically chronic myeloid leukemia ($235,061), acute lymphoblastic leukemia ($167,250), nasopharyngeal cancer ($135,192) and myeloma ($107,104).2 Condition-specific costs for some treatment types (for example, dental treatment) were excluded from these estimates.

Table 1: Australian health system spending ($) per case by disease group, 2019–20

Table 1a. Australian health system spending ($) per case by disease group, 2019–20 (persons) Ordered by highest cost per case
Burden of disease group Highest per case (Condition) Highest per case ($) Lowest per case (Condition) Lowest per case ($)
Cancer and other neoplasms Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) 235,061 Non-melanoma skin cancer 2,042
Blood and metabolic disorders Cystic fibrosis 85,116 Iron-deficiency anaemia 302
Cardiovascular diseases Aortic aneurysm 68,191 Atrial fibrillation and flutter 2,759
Gastrointestinal disorders Intestinal obstruction (without hernia) 38,346 Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) 883
Infant and congenital conditions Birth trauma and asphyxia 26,731 Urogenital malformations 274
Respiratory diseases Asbestosis 25,588 Asthma 287
Mental and substance use disorders Schizophrenia 21,516 Intellectual disability 60
Injury (nature) Spinal cord injury 21,487 Soft tissue injuries 1,424
Neurological conditions Multiple sclerosis 21,461 Migraine 163
Infectious diseases HIV/AIDS 15,302 Rotavirus 56
Hearing and vision disorders Cataract 12,705 Hearing loss 136
Skin disorders Skin infections (incl. cellulitis) 12,192 Acne 17
Kidney and urinary diseases Kidney stones 5,748 Enlarged prostate 1,630
Reproductive and maternal conditions Obstructed labour 3,398 Polycystic ovarian syndrome 198
Endocrine disorders Type 1 diabetes 3,306 Type 2 diabetes 1,783
Musculoskeletal disorders Rheumatoid arthritis 1,967 Back pain and problems 821
Oral disorders Dental caries 461 Periodontal disease 135
Table 1b. Australian health system spending ($) per case by disease group, 2019–20 (males) Ordered by highest cost per case
Burden of disease group Highest per case (Condition) Highest per case ($) Lowest per case (Condition) Lowest per case ($)
Cancer and other neoplasms Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) 233,170 Non-melanoma skin cancer 1,961
Blood and metabolic disorders Cystic fibrosis 84,332 Iron-deficiency anaemia 531
Cardiovascular diseases Aortic aneurysm 62,746 Stroke 2,713
Gastrointestinal disorders Intestinal obstruction (without hernia) 40,971 Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) 845
Infant and congenital conditions Cardiovascular defects 28,075 Urogenital malformations 255
Respiratory diseases Asbestosis 25,525 Asthma 266
Neurological conditions Multiple sclerosis 22,261 Migraine 127
Injury (nature) Spinal cord injury 20,602 Soft tissue injuries 1,209
Mental and substance use disorders Schizophrenia 19,859 Intellectual disability 55
Infectious diseases HIV/AIDS 14,993 Chlamydia 36
Hearing and vision disorders Cataract 12,061 Hearing loss 130
Skin disorders Skin infections (incl. cellulitis) 11,443 Acne 13
Kidney and urinary diseases Kidney stones 5,641 Enlarged prostate 1,628
Endocrine disorders Type 1 diabetes 2,986 Type 2 diabetes 1,559
Musculoskeletal disorders Osteoarthritis 2,091 Back pain and problems 756
Reproductive and maternal conditions Infertility 236 Genital prolapse 0
Oral disorders Dental caries 41 Periodontal disease 9
Table 1c. Australian health system spending ($) per case by disease group, 2019–20 (females) Ordered by highest cost per case
Burden of disease group Highest per case (Condition) Highest per case ($) Lowest per case (Condition) Lowest per case ($)
Cancer and other neoplasms Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) 236,323 Non-melanoma skin cancer 2,127
Cardiovascular diseases Aortic aneurysm 93,621 Cardiomyopathy 2,597
Blood and metabolic disorders Cystic fibrosis 85,525 Iron-deficiency anaemia 246
Gastrointestinal disorders Intestinal obstruction (without hernia) 36,005 Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) 882
Infant and congenital conditions Birth trauma and asphyxia 30,034 Urogenital malformations 366
Respiratory diseases Asbestosis 26,201 Asthma 289
Mental and substance use disorders Schizophrenia 24,653 Intellectual disability 71
Injury (nature) Spinal cord injury 23,540 Soft tissue injuries 1,805
Neurological conditions Multiple sclerosis 20,297 Migraine 168
Hearing and vision disorders Cataract 13,279 Hearing loss 143
Infectious diseases Tuberculosis 12,952 Rotavirus 54
Skin disorders Skin infections (incl. cellulitis) 11,985 Acne 20
Kidney and urinary diseases Kidney stones 5,991 Chronic kidney disease 1,727
Reproductive and maternal conditions Obstructed labour 3,398 Polycystic ovarian syndrome 198
Endocrine disorders Type 1 diabetes 2,838 Type 2 diabetes 1,373
Musculoskeletal disorders Rheumatoid arthritis 1,990 Back pain and problems 863
Oral disorders Dental caries 38 Periodontal disease 12

Total health system spending for specific conditions is a function of several factors including:

  • expenditure per case
  • the number of cases
  • factors related to the onset, progression and management of disease.

For some conditions, onset, progression and management can be highly related to modifiable risk factors. Table 2 includes health system expenditure by condition including the percentage of total expenditure that is attributable to the 2018 ABDS risk factors for 2018–19.3

Table 2: Australian health system spending ($) by condition, Australia, 2018–19 Ordered by highest average cost per case
Burden of disease group Burden of disease condition Total health system spending on burden of disease condition ($) Average per case ($) Health system spending attributable to risk factors ($) Share of health system spending attributed to risk factors (%)
Cancer and other neoplasms Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) 110,668,748 235,061 23,180,444 20.9
Cancer and other neoplasms Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) 77,852,084 167,250 5,060,932 6.5
Cancer and other neoplasms Nasopharyngeal cancer 13,515,987 135,192 8,049,820 59.6
Cancer and other neoplasms Myeloma 341,411,464 107,104 35,710,140 10.5
Blood and metabolic disorders Cystic fibrosis 85,116
Cardiovascular diseases Aortic aneurysm 164,954,781 68,191 59,865,249 36.3
Cancer and other neoplasms Breast cancer 1,295,320,978 61,488 388,882,543 30.0
Cancer and other neoplasms Non-Hodgkin lymphoma 427,185,754 60,307 39,467,237 9.2
Cancer and other neoplasms Ovarian cancer 130,099,781 55,119 11,923,638 9.2
Cancer and other neoplasms Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) 119,935,763 53,041 28,888,277 24.1
Cancer and other neoplasms Prostate cancer 1,172,153,071 50,458 52,146,752 4.4
Cancer and other neoplasms Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) 105,282,201 48,331 23,901,862 22.7
Cancer and other neoplasms Hodgkin lymphoma 48,075
Cancer and other neoplasms Bowel cancer 1,005,500,747 46,135 546,562,851 54.4
Cancer and other neoplasms Cervical cancer 50,668,235 43,748 50,667,183 100.0
Gastrointestinal disorders Intestinal obstruction (without hernia) 38,346
Blood and metabolic disorders Haemolytic anaemias 37,005
Cancer and other neoplasms Kidney cancer 173,740,800 36,754 64,937,284 37.4
Cancer and other neoplasms Brain and CNS cancer 35,537
Cancer and other neoplasms Stomach cancer 124,932,131 35,304 17,208,965 13.8
Cancer and other neoplasms Bladder cancer 137,809,889 34,013 50,347,487 36.5
Cancer and other neoplasms Oesophageal cancer 90,543,321 30,580 72,885,154 80.5
Cancer and other neoplasms Thyroid cancer 95,131,637 29,517 15,520,820 16.3
Cancer and other neoplasms Lung cancer 634,006,092 28,872 514,512,241 81.2
Infant and congenital conditions Birth trauma and asphyxia 26,731
Cancer and other neoplasms Liver cancer 116,277,967 26,258 87,203,863 75.0
Cancer and other neoplasms Laryngeal cancer 21,615,152 25,707 17,002,507 78.7
Respiratory diseases Asbestosis 15,976,755 25,588 15,976,755 100.0
Cancer and other neoplasms Pancreatic cancer 170,872,981 25,476 56,121,197 32.8
Infant and congenital conditions Cardiovascular defects 25,291
Cancer and other neoplasms Uterine cancer 84,519,725 24,682 48,246,159 57.1
Cancer and other neoplasms Ductal carcinoma in situ (breast) 24,082
Cancer and other neoplasms Lip and oral cavity cancer 75,168,911 23,618 51,372,870 68.3
Cancer and other neoplasms Testicular cancer 23,028
Cardiovascular diseases Hypertensive heart disease 59,707,274 22,495 41,840,177 70.1
Mental and substance use disorders Schizophrenia 1,196,161,131 21,516 32,351,889 2.7
Injury (nature) Spinal cord injury 21,487
Cancer and other neoplasms Melanoma of the skin 357,204,719 21,472 321,484,247 90.0
Neurological conditions Multiple sclerosis 533,185,509 21,461 39,874,332 7.5
Cancer and other neoplasms Gallbladder cancer 28,627,103 20,679 7,052,433 24.6
Cancer and other neoplasms Mesothelioma 27,386,875 17,656 16,948,759 61.9
Gastrointestinal disorders Pancreatitis 191,395,294 17,593 21,203,005 11.1
Gastrointestinal disorders Diverticulitis 16,243
Infectious diseases HIV/AIDS 371,869,321 15,302 342,024,940 92.0
Gastrointestinal disorders Gallbladder and bile duct disease 879,828,237 14,324 368,290,782 41.9
Infectious diseases Tuberculosis 13,814
Infectious diseases Meningococcal disease 13,416
Hearing and vision disorders Cataract 1,514,920,234 12,705 341,154,939 22.5
Skin disorders Skin infections (incl. cellulitis) 12,192
Gastrointestinal disorders Vascular disorders of intestine 11,656
Infectious diseases Pneumococcal disease 11,653
Gastrointestinal disorders Chronic liver disease 189,481,654 11,226 76,056,681 40.1
Neurological conditions Guillain-Barre Syndrome 10,991
Infant and congenital conditions Pre-term birth and low birth weight complications 555,978,192 10,880 555,978,192 100.0
Cancer and other neoplasms All conditions 10,494
Gastrointestinal disorders Appendicitis 10,032
Cardiovascular diseases Rheumatic heart disease (incl. acute rheumatic fever) 93,164,292 9,932 19,048,536 20.4
Injury (nature) Hip fracture 9,327
Gastrointestinal disorders Abdominal wall hernia 9,268
Infant and congenital conditions Other disorders of infancy 8,906
Infant and congenital conditions Gastrointestinal malformations 7,500
Gastrointestinal disorders Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) 7,269
Neurological conditions Motor neurone disease 7,123
Hearing and vision disorders Glaucoma 283,675,882 6,972 20,042,998 7.1
Blood and metabolic disorders Haemophilia 6,752
Infant and congenital conditions Neonatal infections 6,731
Kidney and urinary diseases Kidney stones 5,748
Infectious diseases Measles 5,420
Infectious diseases Hepatitis A 5,025
Hearing and vision disorders Age-related macular degeneration 468,340,671 4,900 24,249,932 5.2
Gastrointestinal disorders Gastroduodenal disorders 272,181,057 4,514 26,951,461 9.9
Injury (nature) Humerus fracture 4,509
Cardiovascular diseases Inflammatory heart disease 127,391,091 4,276 6,805,447 5.3
Respiratory diseases Silicosis 737,395 4,108 737,395 100.0
Cardiovascular diseases Peripheral vascular disease 460,942,166 4,022 231,720,139 50.3
Infectious diseases Hepatitis C 4,020
Injury (nature) Tibia and ankle fracture 3,763
Injury (nature) Internal and crush injury 3,685
Neurological conditions Parkinson disease 3,641
Cardiovascular diseases Coronary heart disease 2,338,124,050 3,498 2,062,408,091 88.2
Kidney and urinary diseases Interstitial Nephritis 3,459
Blood and metabolic disorders Protein-energy deficiency 3,434
Cardiovascular diseases All conditions 3,405
Reproductive and maternal conditions Obstructed labour 3,398
Cardiovascular diseases Non-rheumatic valvular disease 426,176,216 3,397 95,595,211 22.4
Reproductive and maternal conditions Maternal infections 3,384
Respiratory diseases Interstitial lung disease 3,348
Injury (nature) Drowning and submersion injuries 3,316
Endocrine disorders Type 1 diabetes 283,976,202 3,306 283,976,202 100.0
Gastrointestinal disorders All conditions 3,152
Injury (nature) Traumatic brain injury 3,038
Injury (nature) Poisoning 2,974
Cardiovascular diseases Cardiomyopathy 147,445,600 2,911 42,633,770 28.9
Cardiovascular diseases Stroke 662,293,348 2,880 491,850,985 74.3
Cardiovascular diseases Atrial fibrillation and flutter 1,200,866,233 2,759 682,480,859 56.8
Infectious diseases Malaria 2,730
Mental and substance use disorders Bipolar affective disorder 2,725
Mental and substance use disorders Depressive disorders 2,055,455,374 2,549 595,177,133 29.0
Reproductive and maternal conditions Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy 2,528
Infant and congenital conditions All conditions 2,491
Reproductive and maternal conditions Early pregnancy loss 242,971,244 2,460 46,535,810 19.2
Respiratory diseases Sarcoidosis 2,433
Kidney and urinary diseases All conditions 2,426
Infant and congenital conditions Neural tube defects 2,359
Gastrointestinal disorders Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) 2,348
Kidney and urinary diseases Chronic kidney disease 1,753,236,103 2,326 1,753,236,103 100.0
Reproductive and maternal conditions Maternal haemorrhage 2,284
Injury (nature) Burn injuries 2,277
Injury (nature) All conditions 2,116
Neurological conditions Epilepsy 308,524,872 2,113 45,875,421 14.9
Cancer and other neoplasms Non-melanoma skin cancer 1,315,191,911 2,042 920,634,338 70.0
Musculoskeletal disorders Rheumatoid arthritis 864,046,014 1,967 37,960,122 4.4
Endocrine disorders All conditions 1,913
Infectious diseases Dengue 1,902
Mental and substance use disorders Alcohol use disorders 495,941,728 1,827 495,941,728 100.0
Endocrine disorders Type 2 diabetes 1,541,577,945 1,783 1,541,577,945 100.0
Injury (nature) Dislocations 1,758
Musculoskeletal disorders Osteoarthritis 3,878,345,563 1,747 1,109,325,932 28.6
Infectious diseases Syphilis 8,733,982 1,725 8,733,982 100.0
Kidney and urinary diseases Enlarged prostate 1,630
Infectious diseases Pertussis 1,620
Infectious diseases Mumps 1,615
Respiratory diseases COPD 934,899,061 1,581 695,462,640 74.4
Mental and substance use disorders Conduct disorder 1,580
Infectious diseases Barmah Forest virus 1,544
Infectious diseases Ross River virus 1,460
Infant and congenital conditions Down syndrome 1,455
Mental and substance use disorders All conditions 1,429
Injury (nature) Soft tissue injuries 1,424
Reproductive and maternal conditions Gestational diabetes 1,399
Neurological conditions Dementia 478,088,753 1,343 205,739,330 43.0
Mental and substance use disorders Drug use disorders (excl. alcohol) 623,046,012 1,309 620,773,787 99.6
Infant and congenital conditions Cleft lip and/or palate 1,278
Musculoskeletal disorders All conditions 1,207
Skin disorders Ulcers 1,203
Infant and congenital conditions Cerebral palsy 1,198
Blood and metabolic disorders All conditions 1,122
Reproductive and maternal conditions Infertility 1,118
Musculoskeletal disorders Gout 202,708,415 1,078 104,935,915 51.8
Mental and substance use disorders Anxiety disorders 1,786,326,025 1,065 580,747,113 32.5
Mental and substance use disorders Autism spectrum disorders 899
Neurological conditions All conditions 890
Gastrointestinal disorders Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) 883
Infant and congenital conditions Brain malformations 870
Musculoskeletal disorders Back pain and problems 3,225,677,260 821 796,002,835 24.7
Hearing and vision disorders All conditions 753
Skin disorders Scabies 697
Mental and substance use disorders Eating disorders 681
Infectious diseases Gonorrhoea 6,943,572 612 6,943,572 100.0
Reproductive and maternal conditions All conditions 551
Respiratory diseases All conditions 514
Infectious diseases Herpes-zoster 464
Respiratory diseases Upper respiratory conditions 464
Infectious diseases Urinary tract infections 462
Oral disorders Dental caries 461
Infectious diseases influenza and lower respiratory infection 406
Mental and substance use disorders Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder 371
Skin disorders Psoriasis 363
Infectious diseases Hepatitis B 357
Reproductive and maternal conditions Endometriosis 333
Oral disorders All conditions 315
Blood and metabolic disorders Iron-deficiency anaemia 277,371,915 302 277,371,915 100.0
Hearing and vision disorders Refractive errors 296
Respiratory diseases Asthma 778,111,259 287 267,919,222 34.4
Infectious diseases All conditions 282
Infant and congenital conditions Urogenital malformations 274
Infectious diseases Salmonellosis 274
Reproductive and maternal conditions Genital prolapse 214
Infectious diseases Otitis media 309,942,253 203 1,840,125 0.6
Reproductive and maternal conditions Polycystic ovarian syndrome 198
Skin disorders All conditions 173
Neurological conditions Migraine 163
Infectious diseases Varicella 151
Hearing and vision disorders Hearing loss 418,164,225 136 34,833,023 8.3
Oral disorders Periodontal disease 135
Infectious diseases Chlamydia 2,781,124 93 2,781,124 100.0
Infectious diseases Upper respiratory infections 93
Infectious diseases Trachoma 82
Skin disorders Dermatitis and eczema 70
Infectious diseases Campylobacteriosis 64
Mental and substance use disorders Intellectual disability 60
Infectious diseases Rotavirus 56
Skin disorders Acne 17
Infectious diseases Other sexually transmitted infections 60,229,029 60,229,029 100.0
Infectious diseases Hepatitis B (acute) 79,924,624 36,635,810 45.8
Infectious diseases Hepatitis C (acute) 735,086,963 560,193,031 76.2
Infectious diseases Lower respiratory infections 1,507,256,031 373,371,179 24.8
Infectious diseases Influenza 153,713,080 627,505 0.4
Cancer and other neoplasms Other lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancers 27,342,431 10,148,025 37.1
Cancer and other neoplasms Other leukaemias 53,880,664 11,526,813 21.4
Cardiovascular diseases Other cardiovascular diseases 6,036,441,838 715,137,198 11.8
Respiratory diseases Other pneumoconiosis 733,383 726,263 99.0
Respiratory diseases Other respiratory disease 1,448,493,263 181,940,710 12.6
Endocrine disorders Other diabetes 648,145,042 648,145,042 100.0
Injury (external cause) Road traffic injury - motorcyclists 157,663,833 49,028,429 31.1
Injury (external cause) Road traffic injury - motor vehicle occupants 468,087,308 118,317,238 25.3
Injury (external cause) Other land transport injuries 357,095,575 89,823,211 25.2
Injury (external cause) Poisoning 94,885,990 60,505,845 63.8
Injury (external cause) Falls 4,011,466,405 1,443,148,505 36.0
Injury (external cause) Fire, burns and scalds 101,870,529 10,899,898 10.7
Injury (external cause) Drowning 9,849,276 1,080,534 11.0
Injury (external cause) Other unintentional injuries 2,627,714,324 343,831,588 13.1
Injury (external cause) Suicide and self-inflicted injuries 232,919,558 113,119,214 48.6
Injury (external cause) Homicide and violence 393,396,944 128,771,457 32.7
Injury (external cause) Road traffic injury - pedal cyclists 127,691,690 31,627,939 24.8
Injury (external cause) Road traffic injury - pedestrians 55,165,014 12,188,961 22.1
All Burden of disease conditions  60,323,342,107 23,589,776,174 39.1


In 2019–20, $182.9 million was spent to treat patients who were admitted or visited emergency departments public and private hospitals and pathology testing for COVID–19.3 Note that this does not include expenditure for public health programs or other COVID-19 related payments by the government.

Of the services listed above, approximately 52.6% of the cost was spent on pathology testing, and 24.2% and 22.2% for public hospital admitted and emergency services, respectively. However, the proportion spent for each service varied by patient’s age, where the expenditure for admitted patient in public hospital was much greater than pathology testing in older patients.

Risk factor expenditure

Disease groups

Potentially modifiable risk factors included in the 2018 ABDS accounted for 39.1% of total allocated health system spending in 2018–19. In terms of expenditure, $23.590 billion of the $60.323 billion in spending could be attributable to risk factors.2

  • Overweight and obesity resulted in the greatest health spending of the risk factors—$4.268 billion, accounting for 7.1% of total allocated spending (Table 3).
  • Tobacco use was ranked second with $3.287 billion
  • High plasma glucose followed closely with $3.187 billion.3

This highlights the potential to manage healthcare costs and creating a more sustainable healthcare system through effective prevention strategies.

Table 3: Australian health system spending attributed to risk factors, 2018–19 Ordered by highest spend
Risk factor Total spending Total spending
$ million%
Overweight (including obesity) 4,267.9 7.1
Tobacco use 3,287.0 5.4
High blood plasma glucose 3,186.8 5.3
Alcohol use 2,107.7 3.5
Impaired kidney function 1,946.5 3.2
High blood pressure 1,692.7 2.8
Illicit drug use 1,390.7 2.3
High sun exposure 1,242.1 2.1
Dietary risks 1,180.2 2.0
Low bone mineral density 1,153.0 1.9
Child abuse & neglect 868.6 1.4
Physical inactivity 561.1 0.9
Occupational exposures & hazards 550.9 0.9
Low birth weight & short gestation 556.0 0.9
Unsafe sex 498.9 0.8
Intimate partner violence 433.6 0.7
High cholesterol 413.0 0.7
Air pollution 352.0 0.6
Iron deficiency 277.4 0.5
Bullying victimisation 49.7 0.1
All risk factors combined 23,589.8 39.1

Many of the diseases and conditions with relatively high preventability are also very costly. This applies to the majority of conditions with greater than $1 billion attributable costs (Table 4). For example, coronary heart disease is associated with various modifiable risk factors, and approximately 88.2% of the $2.062 billion in treatment costs in 2018–19 could be attributed to risk factors.3

Table 4: Australian risk factor health expenditure attribution by ABDS conditions, 2018­–19

Table 4a. Attribution amount (million $), Australia, 2018–19 Ordered alphabetically by disease group
Burden of disease group condition Risk factor million $
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) Occupational exposures & hazards 0.8
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) Overweight (including obesity) 2.9
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) Tobacco use 1.3
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) Occupational exposures & hazards 3.2
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) Overweight (including obesity) 10.7
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) Tobacco use 10.0
Age-related macular degeneration Tobacco use 24.2
Alcohol use disorders Alcohol use 488.2
Alcohol use disorders Intimate partner violence 7.8
Anxiety disorders Bullying victimisation 22.3
Anxiety disorders Child abuse & neglect 433.2
Anxiety disorders Illicit drug use 8.2
Anxiety disorders Intimate partner violence 117.1
Aortic aneurysm High blood pressure 44.8
Aortic aneurysm Tobacco use 15.1
Asbestosis Occupational exposures & hazards 16.0
Asthma Occupational exposures & hazards 39.9
Asthma Overweight (including obesity) 176.6
Asthma Tobacco use 51.4
Atrial fibrillation and flutter Alcohol use 92.0
Atrial fibrillation and flutter High blood pressure 298.2
Atrial fibrillation and flutter Overweight (including obesity) 211.0
Atrial fibrillation and flutter Tobacco use 81.3
Back pain and problems Occupational exposures & hazards 368.2
Back pain and problems Overweight (including obesity) 319.5
Back pain and problems Tobacco use 108.3
Bladder cancer High blood plasma glucose 9.9
Bladder cancer Tobacco use 40.4
Bowel cancer Alcohol use 44.3
Bowel cancer Dietary risks 210.4
Bowel cancer High blood plasma glucose 49.3
Bowel cancer Overweight (including obesity) 98.5
Bowel cancer Physical inactivity 89.2
Bowel cancer Tobacco use 54.9
Breast cancer Alcohol use 127.4
Breast cancer Dietary risks 37.4
Breast cancer High blood plasma glucose 46.1
Breast cancer Overweight (including obesity) 83.9
Breast cancer Physical inactivity 35.9
Breast cancer Tobacco use 58.2
Cardiomyopathy High blood pressure 42.6
Cataract High blood plasma glucose 100.9
Cataract Overweight (including obesity) 162.3
Cataract Tobacco use 77.9
Cervical cancer Tobacco use 3.3
Cervical cancer Unsafe sex 47.4
Chlamydia Unsafe sex 2.8
Chronic kidney disease High blood plasma glucose 244.7
Chronic kidney disease High blood pressure 433.7
Chronic kidney disease Impaired kidney function 1,753.2
Chronic kidney disease Overweight (including obesity) 564.2
Chronic liver disease Alcohol use 30.6
Chronic liver disease Illicit drug use 44.1
Chronic liver disease Unsafe sex 1.4
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) Occupational exposures & hazards 3.7
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) Overweight (including obesity) 12.5
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) Tobacco use 12.8
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) Occupational exposures & hazards 3.5
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) Overweight (including obesity) 11.8
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) Tobacco use 7.9
COPD Air pollution 57.4
COPD Occupational exposures & hazards 22.3
COPD Tobacco use 615.9
Coronary heart disease Air pollution 94.0
Coronary heart disease Alcohol use 38.0
Coronary heart disease Dietary risks 516.4
Coronary heart disease High blood plasma glucose 63.0
Coronary heart disease High blood pressure 468.8
Coronary heart disease High cholesterol 358.5
Coronary heart disease Impaired kidney function 71.0
Coronary heart disease Overweight (including obesity) 172.6
Coronary heart disease Physical inactivity 140.6
Coronary heart disease Tobacco use 139.6
Dementia High blood plasma glucose 28.4
Dementia High blood pressure 13.0
Dementia Impaired kidney function 31.9
Dementia Overweight (including obesity) 77.8
Dementia Physical inactivity 45.7
Dementia Tobacco use 9.0
Depressive disorders Bullying victimisation 27.5
Depressive disorders Child abuse & neglect 381.5
Depressive disorders Illicit drug use 7.9
Depressive disorders Intimate partner violence 178.3
Drowning Alcohol use 1.1
Drug use disorders (excl. alcohol) Illicit drug use 620.8
Early pregnancy loss Intimate partner violence 46.5
Epilepsy Alcohol use 45.9
Falls Alcohol use 290.2
Falls Low bone mineral density 1,153.0
Fire, burns and scalds Alcohol use 10.9
Gallbladder and bile duct disease Overweight (including obesity) 350.1
Gallbladder and bile duct disease Tobacco use 18.1
Gallbladder cancer Overweight (including obesity) 7.1
Gastroduodenal disorders Tobacco use 27.0
Glaucoma High blood plasma glucose 20.0
Gonorrhoea Unsafe sex 6.9
Gout Impaired kidney function 25.1
Gout Overweight (including obesity) 79.8
Hearing loss Occupational exposures & hazards 34.8
Hepatitis B (acute) Illicit drug use 23.5
Hepatitis B (acute) Unsafe sex 13.1
Hepatitis C (acute) Illicit drug use 519.6
Hepatitis C (acute) Unsafe sex 40.6
HIV/AIDS Illicit drug use 24.9
HIV/AIDS Unsafe sex 317.1
Homicide and violence Alcohol use 63.0
Homicide and violence Intimate partner violence 65.7
Hypertensive heart disease Alcohol use 5.5
Hypertensive heart disease High blood pressure 30.9
Hypertensive heart disease Tobacco use 5.5
Inflammatory heart disease High blood pressure 6.8
Influenza Tobacco use 0.6
Iron-deficiency anaemia Iron deficiency 277.4
Kidney cancer Occupational exposures & hazards 0.0
Kidney cancer Overweight (including obesity) 42.1
Kidney cancer Tobacco use 22.8
Laryngeal cancer Alcohol use 4.0
Laryngeal cancer Occupational exposures & hazards 0.4
Laryngeal cancer Tobacco use 12.6
Lip and oral cavity cancer Alcohol use 20.2
Lip and oral cavity cancer Tobacco use 31.2
Liver cancer Alcohol use 30.0
Liver cancer High blood plasma glucose 4.9
Liver cancer Illicit drug use 19.5
Liver cancer Overweight (including obesity) 18.5
Liver cancer Tobacco use 13.7
Liver cancer Unsafe sex 0.6
Lower respiratory infections Air pollution 80.0
Lower respiratory infections Alcohol use 92.7
Lower respiratory infections Tobacco use 200.7
Lung cancer Air pollution 17.9
Lung cancer Dietary risks 19.5
Lung cancer High blood plasma glucose 35.5
Lung cancer Occupational exposures & hazards 37.9
Lung cancer Tobacco use 403.7
Melanoma of the skin High sun exposure 321.5
Mesothelioma Occupational exposures & hazards 16.9
Multiple sclerosis Tobacco use 39.9
Myeloma Overweight (including obesity) 35.7
Nasopharyngeal cancer Alcohol use 3.9
Nasopharyngeal cancer Occupational exposures & hazards 0.0
Nasopharyngeal cancer Tobacco use 4.1
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Overweight (including obesity) 39.5
Non-melanoma skin cancer High sun exposure 920.6
Non-rheumatic valvular disease High blood pressure 95.6
Oesophageal cancer Alcohol use 11.0
Oesophageal cancer Dietary risks 13.4
Oesophageal cancer Overweight (including obesity) 18.6
Oesophageal cancer Tobacco use 29.9
Osteoarthritis Overweight (including obesity) 1,109.3
Other cardiovascular diseases Tobacco use 715.1
Other diabetes High blood plasma glucose 648.1
Other land transport injuries Alcohol use 89.8
Other leukaemias Occupational exposures & hazards 1.6
Other leukaemias Overweight (including obesity) 5.4
Other leukaemias Tobacco use 4.5
Other lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancers Alcohol use 10.1
Other pneumoconiosis Occupational exposures & hazards 0.7
Other respiratory disease Tobacco use 181.9
Other sexually transmitted infections Unsafe sex 60.2
Other unintentional injuries Alcohol use 343.8
Otitis media Tobacco use 1.8
Ovarian cancer High blood plasma glucose 6.2
Ovarian cancer Occupational exposures & hazards 0.2
Ovarian cancer Overweight (including obesity) 5.6
Pancreatic cancer High blood plasma glucose 9.8
Pancreatic cancer Overweight (including obesity) 14.3
Pancreatic cancer Tobacco use 32.0
Pancreatitis Alcohol use 21.2
Peripheral vascular disease High blood plasma glucose 74.7
Peripheral vascular disease High blood pressure 80.8
Peripheral vascular disease Impaired kidney function 39.7
Peripheral vascular disease Tobacco use 36.5
Poisoning Alcohol use 8.8
Poisoning Illicit drug use 51.7
Pre-term birth and low birth weight complications Low birth weight & short gestation 556.0
Prostate cancer Tobacco use 52.1
Rheumatic heart disease (incl. acute rheumatic fever) High blood pressure 19.0
Rheumatoid arthritis Tobacco use 38.0
Road traffic injury - motorcyclists Alcohol use 42.9
Road traffic injury - motorcyclists Illicit drug use 6.1
Road traffic injury - motor vehicle occupants Alcohol use 106.9
Road traffic injury - motor vehicle occupants Illicit drug use 11.5
Road traffic injury - pedal cyclists Alcohol use 31.6
Road traffic injury - pedestrians Alcohol use 12.2
Schizophrenia Illicit drug use 32.4
Silicosis Occupational exposures & hazards 0.7
Stomach cancer Tobacco use 17.2
Stroke Air pollution 34.6
Stroke Alcohol use 21.1
Stroke Dietary risks 84.1
Stroke High blood plasma glucose 19.7
Stroke High blood pressure 158.5
Stroke High cholesterol 54.4
Stroke Impaired kidney function 25.5
Stroke Overweight (including obesity) 17.0
Stroke Physical inactivity 31.4
Stroke Tobacco use 45.5
Suicide and self-inflicted injuries Alcohol use 20.4
Suicide and self-inflicted injuries Child abuse & neglect 53.9
Suicide and self-inflicted injuries Illicit drug use 20.5
Suicide and self-inflicted injuries Intimate partner violence 18.2
Syphilis Unsafe sex 8.7
Thyroid cancer Overweight (including obesity) 15.5
Type 1 diabetes High blood plasma glucose 284.0
Type 2 diabetes Air pollution 68.1
Type 2 diabetes Dietary risks 299.0
Type 2 diabetes High blood plasma glucose 1,541.6
Type 2 diabetes Overweight (including obesity) 568.4
Type 2 diabetes Physical inactivity 206.8
Type 2 diabetes Tobacco use 41.1
Uterine cancer Overweight (including obesity) 36.7
Uterine cancer Physical inactivity 11.5
Table 4b. Attribution amount %, Australia, 2018–19Ordered alphabetically by disease group
Burden of disease group condition Risk factor%
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) Occupational exposures & hazards 1.0
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) Overweight (including obesity) 3.8
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) Tobacco use 1.7
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) Occupational exposures & hazards 3.0
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) Overweight (including obesity) 10.1
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) Tobacco use 9.5
Age-related macular degeneration Tobacco use 5.2
Alcohol use disorders Alcohol use 98.4
Alcohol use disorders Intimate partner violence 1.6
Anxiety disorders Bullying victimisation 1.2
Anxiety disorders Child abuse & neglect 24.2
Anxiety disorders Illicit drug use 0.5
Anxiety disorders Intimate partner violence 6.6
Aortic aneurysm High blood pressure 27.2
Aortic aneurysm Tobacco use 9.1
Asbestosis Occupational exposures & hazards 100.0
Asthma Occupational exposures & hazards 5.1
Asthma Overweight (including obesity) 22.7
Asthma Tobacco use 6.6
Atrial fibrillation and flutter Alcohol use 7.7
Atrial fibrillation and flutter High blood pressure 24.8
Atrial fibrillation and flutter Overweight (including obesity) 17.6
Atrial fibrillation and flutter Tobacco use 6.8
Back pain and problems Occupational exposures & hazards 11.4
Back pain and problems Overweight (including obesity) 9.9
Back pain and problems Tobacco use 3.4
Bladder cancer High blood plasma glucose 7.2
Bladder cancer Tobacco use 29.3
Bowel cancer Alcohol use 4.4
Bowel cancer Dietary risks 20.9
Bowel cancer High blood plasma glucose 4.9
Bowel cancer Overweight (including obesity) 9.8
Bowel cancer Physical inactivity 8.9
Bowel cancer Tobacco use 5.5
Breast cancer Alcohol use 9.8
Breast cancer Dietary risks 2.9
Breast cancer High blood plasma glucose 3.6
Breast cancer Overweight (including obesity) 6.5
Breast cancer Physical inactivity 2.8
Breast cancer Tobacco use 4.5
Cardiomyopathy High blood pressure 28.9
Cataract High blood plasma glucose 6.7
Cataract Overweight (including obesity) 10.7
Cataract Tobacco use 5.1
Cervical cancer Tobacco use 6.5
Cervical cancer Unsafe sex 93.5
Chlamydia Unsafe sex 100.0
Chronic kidney disease High blood plasma glucose 14.0
Chronic kidney disease High blood pressure 24.7
Chronic kidney disease Impaired kidney function 100.0
Chronic kidney disease Overweight (including obesity) 32.2
Chronic liver disease Alcohol use 16.1
Chronic liver disease Illicit drug use 23.3
Chronic liver disease Unsafe sex 0.8
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) Occupational exposures & hazards 3.1
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) Overweight (including obesity) 10.4
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) Tobacco use 10.6
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) Occupational exposures & hazards 3.2
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) Overweight (including obesity) 10.7
Chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) Tobacco use 7.1
COPD Air pollution 6.1
COPD Occupational exposures & hazards 2.4
COPD Tobacco use 65.9
Coronary heart disease Air pollution 4.0
Coronary heart disease Alcohol use 1.6
Coronary heart disease Dietary risks 22.1
Coronary heart disease High blood plasma glucose 2.7
Coronary heart disease High blood pressure 20.0
Coronary heart disease High cholesterol 15.3
Coronary heart disease Impaired kidney function 3.0
Coronary heart disease Overweight (including obesity) 7.4
Coronary heart disease Physical inactivity 6.0
Coronary heart disease Tobacco use 6.0
Dementia High blood plasma glucose 5.9
Dementia High blood pressure 2.7
Dementia Impaired kidney function 6.7
Dementia Overweight (including obesity) 16.3
Dementia Physical inactivity 9.6
Dementia Tobacco use 1.9
Depressive disorders Bullying victimisation 1.3
Depressive disorders Child abuse & neglect 18.6
Depressive disorders Illicit drug use 0.4
Depressive disorders Intimate partner violence 8.7
Drowning Alcohol use 11.0
Drug use disorders (excl. alcohol) Illicit drug use 99.6
Early pregnancy loss Intimate partner violence 19.2
Epilepsy Alcohol use 14.9
Falls Alcohol use 7.2
Falls Low bone mineral density 28.7
Fire, burns and scalds Alcohol use 10.7
Gallbladder and bile duct disease Overweight (including obesity) 39.8
Gallbladder and bile duct disease Tobacco use 2.1
Gallbladder cancer Overweight (including obesity) 24.6
Gastroduodenal disorders Tobacco use 9.9
Glaucoma High blood plasma glucose 7.1
Gonorrhoea Unsafe sex 100.0
Gout Impaired kidney function 12.4
Gout Overweight (including obesity) 39.4
Hearing loss Occupational exposures & hazards 8.3
Hepatitis B (acute) Illicit drug use 29.5
Hepatitis B (acute) Unsafe sex 16.4
Hepatitis C (acute) Illicit drug use 70.7
Hepatitis C (acute) Unsafe sex 5.5
HIV/AIDS Illicit drug use 6.7
HIV/AIDS Unsafe sex 85.3
Homicide and violence Alcohol use 16.0
Homicide and violence Intimate partner violence 16.7
Hypertensive heart disease Alcohol use 9.2
Hypertensive heart disease High blood pressure 51.7
Hypertensive heart disease Tobacco use 9.2
Inflammatory heart disease High blood pressure 5.3
Influenza Tobacco use 0.4
Iron-deficiency anaemia Iron deficiency 100.0
Kidney cancer Occupational exposures & hazards 0.0
Kidney cancer Overweight (including obesity) 24.3
Kidney cancer Tobacco use 13.1
Laryngeal cancer Alcohol use 18.6
Laryngeal cancer Occupational exposures & hazards 1.9
Laryngeal cancer Tobacco use 58.2
Lip and oral cavity cancer Alcohol use 26.8
Lip and oral cavity cancer Tobacco use 41.5
Liver cancer Alcohol use 25.8
Liver cancer High blood plasma glucose 4.2
Liver cancer Illicit drug use 16.8
Liver cancer Overweight (including obesity) 15.9
Liver cancer Tobacco use 11.8
Liver cancer Unsafe sex 0.5
Lower respiratory infections Air pollution 5.3
Lower respiratory infections Alcohol use 6.2
Lower respiratory infections Tobacco use 13.3
Lung cancer Air pollution 2.8
Lung cancer Dietary risks 3.1
Lung cancer High blood plasma glucose 5.6
Lung cancer Occupational exposures & hazards 6.0
Lung cancer Tobacco use 63.7
Melanoma of the skin High sun exposure 90.0
Mesothelioma Occupational exposures & hazards 61.9
Multiple sclerosis Tobacco use 7.5
Myeloma Overweight (including obesity) 10.5
Nasopharyngeal cancer Alcohol use 28.9
Nasopharyngeal cancer Occupational exposures & hazards 0.1
Nasopharyngeal cancer Tobacco use 30.5
Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Overweight (including obesity) 9.2
Non-melanoma skin cancer High sun exposure 70.0
Non-rheumatic valvular disease High blood pressure 22.4
Oesophageal cancer Alcohol use 12.1
Oesophageal cancer Dietary risks 14.9
Oesophageal cancer Overweight (including obesity) 20.5
Oesophageal cancer Tobacco use 33.1
Osteoarthritis Overweight (including obesity) 28.6
Other cardiovascular diseases Tobacco use 11.8
Other diabetes High blood plasma glucose 100.0
Other land transport injuries Alcohol use 25.2
Other leukaemias Occupational exposures & hazards 3.0
Other leukaemias Overweight (including obesity) 10.0
Other leukaemias Tobacco use 8.4
Other lip, oral cavity and pharynx cancers Alcohol use 37.1
Other pneumoconiosis Occupational exposures & hazards 99.0
Other respiratory disease Tobacco use 12.6
Other sexually transmitted infections Unsafe sex 100.0
Other unintentional injuries Alcohol use 13.1
Otitis media Tobacco use 0.6
Ovarian cancer High blood plasma glucose 4.7
Ovarian cancer Occupational exposures & hazards 0.2
Ovarian cancer Overweight (including obesity) 4.3
Pancreatic cancer High blood plasma glucose 5.8
Pancreatic cancer Overweight (including obesity) 8.4
Pancreatic cancer Tobacco use 18.7
Pancreatitis Alcohol use 11.1
Peripheral vascular disease High blood plasma glucose 16.2
Peripheral vascular disease High blood pressure 17.5
Peripheral vascular disease Impaired kidney function 8.6
Peripheral vascular disease Tobacco use 7.9
Poisoning Alcohol use 9.3
Poisoning Illicit drug use 54.5
Pre-term birth and low birth weight complications Low birth weight & short gestation 100.0
Prostate cancer Tobacco use 4.4
Rheumatic heart disease (incl. acute rheumatic fever) High blood pressure 20.4
Rheumatoid arthritis Tobacco use 4.4
Road traffic injury - motorcyclists Alcohol use 27.2
Road traffic injury - motorcyclists Illicit drug use 3.9
Road traffic injury - motor vehicle occupants Alcohol use 22.8
Road traffic injury - motor vehicle occupants Illicit drug use 2.4
Road traffic injury - pedal cyclists Alcohol use 24.8
Road traffic injury - pedestrians Alcohol use 22.1
Schizophrenia Illicit drug use 2.7
Silicosis Occupational exposures & hazards 100.0
Stomach cancer Tobacco use 13.8
Stroke Air pollution 5.2
Stroke Alcohol use 3.2
Stroke Dietary risks 12.7
Stroke High blood plasma glucose 3.0
Stroke High blood pressure 23.9
Stroke High cholesterol 8.2
Stroke Impaired kidney function 3.8
Stroke Overweight (including obesity) 2.6
Stroke Physical inactivity 4.7
Stroke Tobacco use 6.9
Suicide and self-inflicted injuries Alcohol use 8.8
Suicide and self-inflicted injuries Child abuse & neglect 23.2
Suicide and self-inflicted injuries Illicit drug use 8.8
Suicide and self-inflicted injuries Intimate partner violence 7.8
Syphilis Unsafe sex 100.0
Thyroid cancer Overweight (including obesity) 16.3
Type 1 diabetes High blood plasma glucose 100.0
Type 2 diabetes Air pollution 4.4
Type 2 diabetes Dietary risks 19.4
Type 2 diabetes High blood plasma glucose 100.0
Type 2 diabetes Overweight (including obesity) 36.9
Type 2 diabetes Physical inactivity 13.4
Type 2 diabetes Tobacco use 2.7
Uterine cancer Overweight (including obesity) 43.5
Uterine cancer Physical inactivity 13.6

Additional information

Data and statistics

Additional information about the area of expenditure is available from the AIHW Area of spending webpage.

Additional information by ABDS disease group and conditions is available from the AIHW Disease expenditure in Australia 2019–20 web report.


  1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2021. Australian Burden of Disease Study: Impact and causes of illness and death in Australia 2018. doi: 10.25816/5PS1-J259.
  2. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2022. Disease Expenditure in Australia 2019-20. Accessed: 20 December 2022.
  3. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 2022. Health system spending per case of disease and for certain risk factors. Accessed: 10 January 2023.

Last updated: July 2024