Data sources and graphical presentation of results

Data sources

Data types

The Chief Health Officer report uses a wide range of data sources to assess the health status of Queenslanders. Information collected for health monitoring typically include information from individuals, from health care providers or facilities, and environmental monitoring. Examples commonly used in this report are:

  • Surveys–structured data collection from the entire population (for example, the Census) or a subset (for example, a sample of the general population or people with certain health conditions).
  • Notifications–when reporting for a condition is required by law, regulation or other types of agreements. This can also include required notifications for environmental exposures or contaminants.
  • Registries–track events or persons over time and may be event-based (for example birth and death certificates) or disease-specific (for example, cancer or rheumatic heart disease registry).
  • Administrative records–health records primarily collected for another purpose (for example, health service billing or individual patient care) but may also be useful in wider public health monitoring.

Each type of data source has strengths and limitations, and these will be affected by underlying data collection protocols and other factors specific to each source. The most appropriate source will vary based on considerations such as the health condition, the completeness of the data (coverage), and how results will be interpreted and generalised.

Data principles

It is not uncommon for similar health information to be available from multiple sources and for results to vary somewhat between sources. As health information becomes increasingly available across multiple systems, this is becoming increasingly more common. For most data sources, this does not mean that a data source is right or wrong–it is a function of the underlying purpose of the data and the resulting collection, compilation, manipulations and analytical frameworks applied.

This report has used the following principles to assist with interpreting data and results.

  • Data are sourced from the primary data custodian when possible. A list of Queensland Health data custodians is available from the Queensland Health - Health Innovation, Investment and Research Office.
  • De-identified data and/or aggregate data generated for public health reporting are preferred and are predominantly used in this report.
  • Secondary data sources are used when the secondary source has augmented data with additional calculations, data cleaning or data manipulations that provide more information than the primary source.
  • Where possible, alignment with key health monitoring system was preferred (for example, the Report on Government Services and Closing the Gap).
  • To report by priority data dis-aggregations (for example, Hospital and Health Services or remoteness areas) multiple data sources may be used.
  • The data source is clearly identified in text, figures and tables.
  • Factors that contributed to decisions on the use of specific data sources is documented in the Chief Health Officer report data sources table that accompanies this report.

Data presentation

The Chief Health Officer report is intended for use by a wide audience. To meet these diverse needs, data are commonly presented in both graphical and tabular formats. Graphical presentation includes both static and dynamic formats.

Data dashboards

Image of inforation icon
Information icons provide instructions on hover

Data dashboards, also known as visualisations, provide dynamic and interactive content. Various filters are included that allow Readers to interact with the information to explore different aspects of the information such as health conditions, outcomes and sociodemographic disaggregations.

Broad instructions on how to use the dashboard are provided as a hover box that will appear when Readers place their cursor over the information icon.

Results for health indicators is provided as either hover boxes on the graph elements or as text statements at the bottom of some dashboards. Several dashboards (for example, in the Our Lifestyle section) also provide the results in tabular format.

Static graphs in tabs

Image of horizontal scroll icon
Arrow icons indicate some tabs are hidden off-screen, clicking on these icons will allow you to view hidden tabs

Tabs are used to show multiple static graphs in a single report sub-section. The final tab in the series contains the results in a tabular format. In some instances, there are more tabs than are visible–this is indicated by a scroll bar icon.

Additional results

This report typically provides a subset of information available from the primary data source. Access to these additional results may be provided

  • as a hyperlink on the dashboard/figure
  • in the Reference section as a hyperlink for the relevant item
  • as a hyperlink in the report data sources table.

Chief Health Officer report data sources

Agency Data source Data access Data source considerations Data source includes stratification by SES and/or remoteness Jurisdictional details available
AIHW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health expenditure estimates 2010–11 to 2016–17 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health expenditure estimates 2010–11 to 2016–17, Data - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Health expenditure First Nations and other Australians. Remoteness National and Queensland data
AIHW Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework 2020 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework (HPF) - AIHW Indigenous HPF Total health funding per person by area of funding 2015–2016. Neither Limited to National data
ABS ABS Data explorer (Mortality) Data Explorer | Australian Bureau of Statistics ( Does not specify cause of death. Neither  
ABS ABS life tables (primary data source) Life tables (ABS) Life expectancy estimates. Neither National and Queensland data
ABS ABS life tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2015–2017 Life Tables for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, 2015 - 2017 | Australian Bureau of Statistics ( Based on 2016 census of population and housing, adjusted for net undercount using Post Enumeration Survey results. Aligns with Closing the Gap report. SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
AIHW Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in Australia 2016–2020: Queensland: ARF and RHD facts (secondary data source) Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in Australia, 2016–2020: Queensland - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Primary data source: National Rheumatic Heart Disease data collection Neither Limited to Queensland data
AIHW Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in Australia 2017–2021 (secondary data source) Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in Australia 2017-2021, Summary - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Primary data source: National Rheumatic Heart Disease data collection. Neither Limited to National data
NCIRS Annual Immunisation Coverage Report 2020 NCIRS Annual Immunisation Coverage Report 2020.pdf Vaccine uptake; Stratified by First Nations. SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
AIHW Australian Burden of Disease Study (ABDS) 2018 AIHW Burden of disease overview Jurisdictional results—results not comparable to 2022 ABDS results SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
AIHW Australian Burden of Disease Study (ABDS) 2022 Australian Burden of Disease Study 2022, Health-adjusted life expectancy - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Burden of disease measures (DALYs, YLL, YLD), Health-adjusted life expectancy based on ABS life tables for First Nations peoples. Neither Limited to National data
AIHW Australian Burden of Disease Study 2018: Interactive data on risk factor burden Australian Burden of Disease Study 2018: Interactive data on risk factor burden Risk factor burden of disease measures—risk factor attribution (total and by individual risk factors) Neither Limited to National data
AIHW Australian Burden of Disease Study: impact and causes of illness and death in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 2018 Australian Burden of Disease Study: impact and causes of illness and death in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 2018, Summary - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Burden of disease measures (DALYs, YLL, YLD), Health-adjusted life expectancy based on ABS life tables for First Nations peoples. SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
Cancer Council Victoria Australian secondary school students alcohol and drug survey 2017 (ASSAD) Australian secondary school students alcohol and drug survey | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Smoking, alcohol and illicit drug use among secondary school students from 1996 to 2017; Stratified by sex by age. SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
AIHW Australia's health 2022 (secondary data source) Australia's health 2022 Psychological distress for NSW only; National mental health utilisation information Neither Queensland data not available
AIHW Australia's mothers and babies (secondary data source) Australia's mothers and babies, Focus population groups - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Primary data source: National Perinatal Data Collection; Stratified for First Nations SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
Academic Australia's oral health: national study of adult oral health 2017–18 Australias_Oral_Health_2017-18.pdf ( Dental and oral health study; Large cohort across Australia; 15 years and older Neither National and Queensland data
AIHW BreastScreen Australia monitoring report 2022 BreastScreen Australia monitoring report 2022, Summary - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Breast cancer screening participation rates and positivity; Age-standardised rates; HHS available on request SES and remoteness National and Queensland (by request) data
QH BreastScreen Queensland participation BreastScreen Queensland participation from the BreastScreen Queensland Register - BreastScreen Queensland participation from the BreastScreen Queensland Register - Open Data Portal | Queensland Government Crude and age-standardised breast screening rates by hospital and health service SES and remoteness by request Limited to Queensland data
Includes HHS results
BITRE Bureau of infrastructure and transport research economics (BITRE) Dashboards | Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics ( Road traffic fatalities and injuries Remoteness National and Queensland
AIHW Cancer screening Cancer screening programs: quarterly data, Data - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Participation data for 3 cancer screening programs: bowel, breast and cervical Neither National and Queensland data
QH under the auspices of the Australian Coordinating Registry Cause of death unit record file By request - Statistical Services Branch ( All deaths of Queensland residents regardless of place of death as long as registered in Australia; Excludes overseas residents; may not align with ABS Causes of Death; Most recent available data from 2020 SES and remoteness Limited to Queensland data
Includes HHS results
ABS Causes of death - Australian Bureau of Statistics Causes of death | Australian Bureau of Statistics ( Reported separately for First Nations; Data more current than from Queensland mortality data file. Neither National and Queensland data
ABSDeath, AustraliaDeaths, Australia | Australian Bureau of Statistics ( separately for First Nations; Data more current than from Queensland mortality data file.RemotenessNational and Queensland data
ABS Census 2021, Queensland compared with other jurisdictions, Census 2021 Census 2021 | Queensland Government Statistician's Office, Queensland Treasury ( Primary data source: 2021 Census of population and housing Neither National and Queensland data
Queensland Government COVID-19: Customised data requests (Secondary source) By request - Queensland COVID-19 statistics | Health and wellbeing | Queensland Government ( Primary sources: NoCS, RAT Portal; Queensland total COVID-19 cases; Stratified by First Nations status SES and remoteness Limited to Queensland data
Queensland Government COVID-19: OpenData (Secondary source) Queensland COVID-19 Case Line List - Location & Source of Infection - Dataset - Open Data Portal | Queensland Government Incident cases Neither Limited to Queensland data
Queensland Government COVID-19: Qld website COVID-19 in Queensland Primary sources: NoCS, PHUs, Vaccination program/AIR, RAT Portal; Queensland total COVID-19 cases (updated weekly); Vaccination data (updated weekly); Hospitalisations (irregular) Neither Limited to Queensland data
AIHW Deaths in Australia, Summary Deaths in Australia Leading cause of death trends for Queensland; Stratification by HHS and SES not available. Neither National and Queensland data
AIHW Disease expenditure in Australia 2019–20 (primary data source) Disease expenditure in Australia 2019–20 Totals may not sum because some services cannot be applied to specific conditions within disease groups Neither Limited to National data
Journal Enticott et al. Mental Health in Australia: Psychological Distress Reported in Six Consecutive Cross-Sectional National Surveys From 2001 to 2018. (secondary data source) Primary data source: National Health Surveys; Standardised rate of high/very high levels of psychological distress by sex and age trends 2001 to 2017–18; Rates not available for persons over time Neither Limited to National data
AIHW Expenditure on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health compared to need 3.21 Expenditure on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health compared to need - AIHW Indigenous HPF Expenditure per person First Nations and other Australians. Remoteness National and Queensland data
AIHW Expenditure on mental health services Mental health expenditure Does not align with AIHW Disease expenditure in Australia 2019–20 Neither National and Queensland data
AIHW Falls in older Australian 2019–20: hospitalisations and deaths among people aged 65 and over Falls in older Australians 2019–20: hospitalisations and deaths among people aged 65 and over, Falls compared to other causes of injury - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Primary data source: hospitalisations data SES and remoteness. Limited to National data
AIHW General Record of Incidence of Mortality (MORT) books General Record of Incidence of Mortality (GRIM) books Based on records in AIHW National Mortality Database. Neither Limited to National data
IHME Global burden of disease study 2019: results VizHub - GBD Results ( Deaths and disability-adjusted life years; Stratified by location, age and sex; Allows for international comparisons. Neither  
AIHW Health expenditure Australia 2020–21 Health expenditure Australia 2020-21, About - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Total health spending Neither National and Queensland data
AIHW Health system spending per case of disease and for certain risk factors Health system spending per case of disease and for certain risk factors, Data - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Estimates of spending per case by disease group and risk factors; Stratified by sex. Neither Limited to National data
CHQ Healthy Hearing Program By request - Healthy Hearing Program | Service Detail | Children's Health Queensland Queensland only. Neither Limited to Queensland data
The Kirby Institute HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia Annual surveillance report 2022 - HIV HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia: Annual surveillance report 2022 ( National rates of HIV notifications sourced from state and territory health authorities. Neither National and Queensland data
Department of Health and Aged Care Immunisation coverage rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Immunisation coverage rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children | Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care Percentage of First Nations peoples with all and specific vaccine at 1 year, 2 years and 5 years. Neither National and Queensland data
OECD Life expectancy at birth Life expectancy at birth | Health status | OECD iLibrary ( Life expectance estimates at birth for OECD countries. Neither Limited to National data
AIHW Mortality Over Region and Time (MORT) book Mortality Over Regions and Time (MORT) books Age-standardised death rates for Queensland residents; Ranked against other jurisdictions; Reports potentially avoidable deaths and premature deaths. Neither Limited to Queensland data
ABS National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey 2018–19 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey, 2018-19 financial year | Australian Bureau of Statistics ( Long-term health conditions, disability, lifestyle factors, physical harm and use of health services; Age standardised. SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
AIHW National bowel cancer screening program monitoring report National Bowel Cancer Screening Program monitoring report 2022, Summary - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Bowel cancer screening participation rates and positivity; Stratified by First Nations; SES and remoteness National and Queensland
AIHW National cancer report & database Cancer data in Australia Age-standardised rates; Re-apportioned to usual state of residence; national cancer incidents sourced from state and territory health authorities. Neither Primarily national data. Jurisdictional data limited to cancer incidence.
AIHW National cervical screening program monitoring report 2022 National Cervical Screening Program monitoring report 2022, Data - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Cervical cancer screening participation rates and positivity. SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
Productivity Commission National Closing the Gap information Repository (secondary data source) Closing the Gap Information Repository - Productivity Commission ( Data on targets and indicators. Neither National and Queensland data
AIHW National drug strategy household survey 2019 (NDSHS) National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2019, Data - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Smoking, alcohol and illicit drug use among adults from 2001 to 2019; Stratified by age group, and sex. SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
ABS National Health Survey (NHS) National Health Survey: First results, 2017-18 financial year | Australian Bureau of Statistics ( Crude prevalence of general health, chronic conditions, mental health and behavioural problems and health risk factors from 2017–18 Separate results available for surveys starting in 2001 Neither National and Queensland data
AIHW National Hospital Morbidity Database Hospitals - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Most complete source of data; Mostly published by the location of service, rather than the usual residence of the patient. Neither National and Queensland data by location of service
AIHW National Mortality Database National Mortality Database (NMD) - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Primary data used in mortality books Neither National and Queensland data
AIHW National Perinatal Data Collection Mothers & babies Overview - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Includes: Live or still births of at least 400 grams, or at least 20 weeks gestation; Re-apportioned to usual state of residence. Remoteness National and Queensland data
ABS National Study of Health and Mental Wellbeing (primary data source) National Study of Mental Health and Wellbeing, 2020-21 | Australian Bureau of Statistics ( Purpose-designed; Conducted twice (in 2007 and 2020–21) trends unavailable as of December 2022. SES and remoteness Limited to National data
QH Notifiable conditions annual reporting (NoCS) Notifiable conditions annual reporting | Queensland Health Queensland disease-specific total notifications; Stratified by HHS and First Nations. SES and remoteness by request Limited to Queensland data
Includes HHS and PHU results
AIHW Oral Health and dental care in Australia (secondary data source) Oral health and dental care in Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Percentage population with cavities, untreated cavities and missing teeth; For children and adults; Stratified by age, sex, First nations. SES and remoteness Limited to National data
Academic Oral health of Australian children: the national child oral health study 2012–2014 Oral health of Australian children | University of Adelaide Press | University of Adelaide Dental caries, protective behaviours and dental visits; large cohort across Australia; children 5 to 14 years. Neither National and Queensland data
QGSO Population estimates - Regions Population estimates: Regions | Queensland Government Statistician's Office ( Primary data source: ABS Estimated Resident Population; as at 30 June of relevant year; ABS consultancy for QGSO; HHS populations derived by Statistical Services Branch, Queensland Health. Neither Limited to Queensland
ABS Population estimates 2021 Population | Australian Bureau of Statistics ( Total Queensland; First Nations; Other Queenslanders Neither National and Queensland data
Productivity Commission Productivity Commission mental health inquiry report (section 13 ROGS) (secondary data source) 13 Services for mental health - Report on Government Services 2023 - Productivity Commission ( rates of high/very high levels of psychological distress trends 2007-08 to 2017-18 (primary source - National Health Surveys); Standardised rated by age by sex not available. SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
Academic Public Health Information Development Unit (PHIDU) (secondary data source) Home - Phidu ( Secondary source for numerous ABS and AIHW data collections. Reports small area synthetic estimates (e.g. SA2) based on a modelling approach (not directly calculated). Not used in CHO report. SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
CAQ Queensland Cancer Registry (primary data source) By request - Cancer Alliance Queensland ( Purpose designed; Age-standardised rates; Available at HHS level; Numbers may differ to state-level information from AIHW data due to re-apportioning of people based on state of residence. SES and remoteness Limited to Queensland data
Includes HHS results
CAQ Cancer Alliance Queensland Cancer data explorer Cancer Data Explorer Publicly available data dashboards of cancer incidence, mortality and 5-year survival by cancer type, year/s and subgroups Remoteness Limited to Queensland data
Includes HHS results
Queensland Government Queensland health hospital performance Hospital Performance ( Immunisation rates by HHS Neither Limited to Queensland data
QH Queensland Hospital Admitted Patient Data Collection (Hospital morbidity file) By request - Statistical Services Branch ( Hospital admissions in Queensland coded by condition; Includes hospital transfers; Most recent available data from 2020–21; Excludes usual residents of Queensland admitted in other jurisdiction; Includes admissions people that are not usual Queensland residents (excluded from report where indicated). SES and remoteness Limited to Queensland data
Includes HHS results
Pathology Queensland Queensland Newborn Screening Queensland Perinatal Statistics 2020 | Queensland Health Queensland only. Neither Limited to Queensland data
QH Queensland Perinatal data collection Perinatal reports and information | Queensland Health Includes: All live births. Stillbirths of at least 400 grams at birth, or at least 20 weeks gestation; Includes mothers that are not usual residents of Queensland (excluded from report where indicated); Excludes births for usual Queensland residents that occur in another state. SES and remoteness Limited to Queensland births
Some restricted to Queensland resident mothers
Includes HHS results
QH Queensland Preventive Health Survey (QPHS) Preventive health surveys | Queensland Health Health risk behaviour indicators; 2002 to 2022; Stratified by HHS (survey respondents geocoded to HHS by QGSO). SES and remoteness Limited to Queensland data
Includes HHS, PHN and LGA results
Academic Queensland Suicide Register - Suicide in Queensland Annual Report 2022 QSR ( Age-standardised rates; Purpose designed; Numbers may differ to state-level information from hospital admissions data because suspected cases are included and confirmed from coronial inquiry. Remoteness Limited to Queensland data
ABS Queensland: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population summary Queensland: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population summary | Australian Bureau of Statistics ( Based on 2021 census of population and housing. Neither Limited to Queensland data
QGSO Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, Census 2021 snapshot Census 2021 | Queensland Government Statistician's Office, Queensland Treasury ( Based on 2021 census of population and housing. Neither Limited to Queensland data
Productivity Commission Report on Government Services (RoGS) (secondary data source) E Health - Report on Government Services 2022 - Productivity Commission ( Age-standardised rates for behavioural risk factors (primary source - National Health Surveys), childhood immunisations, suicide deaths and First Nations outcomes. Remoteness National and Queensland data
Academic Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies among Australian blood donors: Supplementary materials Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies among Australian blood donors, February–March 2022 ( Percentage of blood donors in Queensland with antibodies for COVID-19 detected in blood. Neither National and Queensland data
AIHW Suicide and self-harm monitoring. Intentional self-harm monitoring Suicide & self-harm monitoring data - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Crude rates of hospitalisations; Excludes hospital transfers; re-apportioned to usual state of residence. SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
AIHW Suicide and self-harm monitoring. National mortality data for suicides Suicide & self-harm monitoring data - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare ( Age-standardised rates; Re-apportioned to usual state of residence; National rates used; First Nations. SES and remoteness National and Queensland data
AIHW The national survey of adult oral health 2004-06: Queensland. The National Survey of Adult Oral Health 2004–06: Queensland ( Oral health Queensland adults; SES and remoteness National and Queensland data